52 Birthright

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Colton and I wait in the throne room in Alix's palace, alone save for the guards stationed along the walls.

When we arrived at the palace, Alix and Abella were not on the steps to greet us. The six of us—my brother, three cousins, and Vienna—were ushered to the rooms we are to be staying in to make ourselves presentable for the king and princess. I've seen Alix almost naked—we're long past presentability.

I haven't told my family or Vienna what happened with Alix. None of them know that I'm anxious about seeing him, worried he will in fact deny me the help I so desperately need to find Iris and Bently.

Colton lifts his gaze to the ceiling and squints. "The last time I was here, I was trying to sneak out."

"I still can't believe it was the three of you." Iris and Colton just started getting along while she and Bently had never even tried.

"Don't forget Vienna was here."

"How did you all manage to not claw each other's eyes out?"

My brother shrugs. "In between dealing with Odette, I spent a lot of time with Vienna. Besides for drinking and playing cards, I'm not sure what they did. They're an odd pair."

"They aren't . . .? I mean"—I shake my head—"do you think they have feelings for each other? I don't want to keep her from the person she really wants to be with. I don't want to trap her, and I don't want her to think that she is because I'm Preeminence." I clap my hands behind my back, tapping my thumb against my hand, and Colton rolls his eyes at me.

"Tell me how the Preeminence of the Society is insecure."

I stiffen. "I'm not."

"Please, Jonas." He deadpans. "You always have been."

I duck my head, my hands still clenched together. "You wouldn't understand."

"Because I'm only Beta and don't have all the pressures you do?" Colton sighs. "I should tell you they're deeply in love if it means I don't have to marry an Amoris."

I've been waiting for this conversation, but that doesn't keep the worry from now gnawing at my gut. "You don't want your heir to be Preeminence?" It's his birthright; the one I stole from him when I lived past my Expiration Date. Fate never meant for me to be Preeminence for more than a few days.

"It would be an honor. A tremendous one. But after being here in France, I don't know how to let her go again."

My throat bobs. Even expecting this from him, I'm without words. I fought on Amoria for his heir to take mine's place as the next Preeminence. If Colton won't marry an Amoris, I'll be forced to give up Iris.

None of that matters if I can't find her.

I'll fight now, and I'll fight later.

"But, of course, I will do whatever my Preeminence requires of me."

Before I can answer, my phone rings. It's Gwen.

"Tresais," I answer.

"Amoria believes that the symbol could be an outdated one for possession." She sounds breathless. "If it is, it's not completed. I'm sending you the images they drew up of how it relates to the murder sites."


"The Clarignon family on Amoria are one of the few families that continue to use it. Amoria is in the process of sending us soldiers."

"I'm about to meet with Abella and Alix. I'll talk to them about the soldiers. Thank you, Gwen."

"You don't need to thank me, khaleedi. Call me after your meeting."

I fill Colton in on what Gwen said. His brows furrow, and the doors open. Tobias and Sebastian enter the throne room, followed by Vienna and Erik.

I give them Gwen's report and have just finished when Abella breezes in, her green dress brushing across the marble floor. Her face is flushed. "Preeminence, Beta, Theta, Undici, I am sorry to keep you waiting. Mademoiselle Iman and a member of her staff went out today to gather intel. No one has been able to get in contact with either of them. My brother will join us as soon as he can, but I hope you can understand our concern."

I've only met the head of their central intelligence, Mid'haa Iman, once, and that was when I came to the palace with Iris a few days ago. There are a number of reasons why she could not be responding, not all of them necessarily bad or to do with Odette.

Vienna takes Abella's hands in her own. "Of course, we do."

"Merci, mon amie," Abella says, and I'm unable to tear my gaze from their hands. I was not aware the two of them were friends. Ever since I returned from Amoria, I've felt like I landed in the wrong dimension. "Have you heard any word on Bently, Preeminence?"

"None, Your Highness."

"And Iris?"

"None either."

The doors open again, and Alix enters, his face grave, and dismisses the guards. "We have much to discuss." As he comes to stand next to his sister, his crown is askew, and the top buttons of his shirt are undone. "We had best begin."

Check out this drawing by PKata01! It's based on what Iris's reaction would be to hearing Colton call her his sister. In the background are Erik and Bently. She also drew the selfie with Jonas and the monkey!

 She also drew the selfie with Jonas and the monkey!

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