73 Pre-Proposal

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When I open my eyes, Vienna is seated beside my hospital bed.

"Hey," my voice is hoarse from sleep.

She quirks a smile, the lamps on either side of my bed casting a warm glow across her. "This is a familiar scene." Beyond her, soft pinkish-gray panels pad the white wall.

"I recall we were the other way around last time." After I had shot her, and we were in the hospital wing of the Estate.

She covers my hand with hers, her thumb brushing my knuckles and her arm resting against the dark tan sheets. "How are you feeling?"

I let out a grunt. "Sore."

Behind lace curtains, the dark sky is visible through the window. In front of the lace curtains, thick, light pea green ones have yet to be pulled closed for the night.

"They said you'll be here for a few days. You'll have to take it easy for a while."

"You really think I can sit still?"

"Maybe you would if I sat with you."

"With me?" It comes out as a croak. She had said Jonas would let her come back to Elleany.

"That is if you'll have me. If I come back to Elleany, you're not going to try to push me onto one of your cousins, are you?"

"No." I try sitting up, but the skin around my wound stretches, and I fall back against the pillows with a grimace. I let out a deep breath. "I'm going to do whatever it takes to be with you. Jonas made the same promise to Iris, and now I'm making that promise to you."


"We can elope."

She raises an eyebrow. "I'm sure the Society would love that."

"They're in desperate need of a good scandal."

There's a twinkle in her eyes. "So they'll be grateful for the excitement?" With a tired smile on her lips, she pats my hand. "But let's first try to find a way that won't anger your entire extended family."

I study her: her face, her blue eyes, the arch of her lips, the curve of her nose, her blonde hair that has a crease in it from having worn it up in a ponytail. "Agreed."

She leans back, still holding onto my hand. "Is this your version of a proposal?"

"Consider it a pre-proposal."

Raising my hand, she presses a kiss against my knuckles. "We'll find a way," she says, and for the first time, I actually believe it.

~Book 4 Cover Reveal~

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