75 Erik's News

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As Mid'haa and I walk through the halls of the palace, she tells me about how the twins plan to build a memorial for Odette's victims.

A few of the family members of the victims are architects. One victim was an architect himself. Before I can bring that up, Erik calls out for us from behind.

We both turn and find him quickly walking our way. "Miss Iman, might I steal Iris?"

Mid'haa dips her head. "I'll catch up with you later."

I smile at her, and she heads back the way we came.

"How are you doing?" Erik asks, motioning with his arm for us to walk.

"I'm okay," I say even as I feel myself flaking away on the inside. Only Jonas knows that I spent yesterday visiting the victims' families, and he knows that because he was there beside me. Not even Bently knew what I was doing. When I had mentioned the idea to him, he said he didn't think he'd be able to look at the families and tell them he did nothing to help their loved ones.

Erik smiles. "It's good to have you back."

I'm one of the few who gets to hear words like that. Not Ines or any of the other victims. I bow my head, pressing my fingers against my forehead as I collect myself. When I look up, I return Erik's smile even if on the inside I feel miserable. "Thank you."

After that, we walk in silence until Erik pushes open a door that leads into the palace's reflecting room where water flows down all four walls. On the left and right, it collects into pools, the water bubbling where it hits the shallow water. Erik closes the door, sealing us into the all-consuming embrace that is the noise of cascading water.

It's thunderous to my ears, though I know it isn't supposed to sound that way.

"Why did you bring us here?"

He scratches at his head, not looking at me. "I wanted to give you the news first."

I wait for him to continue. One never knows what news from Erik will mean.

"I've decided I need to do something new with my life."

"France wasn't new enough?"

"I'm going to Amoria."

Only the gushing water can be heard in the silence that stretches between us.

Amoria. He can't be serious.

"You hate anything that has to do with the Society."

"It's different there. Marks aren't considered oppressive. And I've always wanted to see Amoria at least once before my Expiration Date."

"What about your parents?"

"I've already disgraced them enough that they won't care about me going even farther away. There's nothing keeping me here." He rubs at his arm. "I'm sorry for how I've treated you. Spending time with Jonas while you were . . . away, I realized he really does love you, and that what I used to feel for you wasn't love. We had to lock Jonas up to keep him from going after you on his own. He wouldn't stop trying to find you."

"When I was in the catacombs, they said that Jonas was about to come down there but that he turned back. Did you have something to do with that?"

"We all did. It took all of us to restrain him and get him back to the palace."

My shoulders sag. "Thank you." Odette would have killed him, and if she hadn't, he would have been tortured.

"I know I've been unfair to you. Mistreated you. I hope you can forgive me one day."

I try swallowing the lump in my throat, but it won't go away. "I forgave you a long time ago. I know you wanted me to be your act of defiance, and I couldn't be that for you."

"I got to leave the Society in the end because of you, so thank you." He pauses, staring at the water. "I guess this means I'm going to miss your wedding. Though I suppose I was always going to miss it anyway. I never got an invitation, you know."

"We haven't sent out any" is all I can say.

He bites his lip and watches the water to his left fall into the pool. "I mentioned my leaving to Jonas, but that was before even Alastair was here. I wanted you to hear about this from me instead of from one of my cousins once I tell them. I don't expect they'll miss me, but I figured I'd tell them anyway."

"They will."

"Did they miss me while I was over here in France?"

I nod, still not quite believing he'll be going to Amoria. "Yes. Yes, they did. I don't know what the Society was like before I was there—when you were still on good terms with them—"—back before Molly died—"but they missed you. You're a strong presence, Erik, and when you're not there, it's noticeable."

"Good." He crosses his arms. "I hope there isn't a dry eye when I leave." I don't know about that; Society members don't cry often. "Miss me, okay?"

"I will. I have."

"I suppose we shouldn't stay in here too long or else Jonas will think we're engaging in inappropriate activities."

I roll my eyes. "Jonas trusts me."

Erik winks. "But he doesn't trust me." He holds out his hand. "Shall we?"

I place my hand in his. "Do you think we can find a snack somewhere in this place?"

"With me helping? Absolutely."

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