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Chapter Eight: Halloween

The minute I step foot in my room, I knew I was in for it. I was with a boy. Not only was I with a boy, I was with a boy I never told anyone about. Kira and Indie would surely have my head for this. They both sat on my bed, glaring at me. I shut the door behind me and they let loose. Both of them began yelling at me at the same time.

"Alright, slow down," I sighed, setting down my costume.

"Who's this Griffin guy? And why are we just meeting him?!" Indie spat.

"A friend of mine," I rolled my eyes. "It's no big deal."

"No big deal?! It was a big deal when I didn't tell you about Bradley!" She argued.

"Because you two were dating! Griffin and I aren't even friends!"

After a few more minutes of arguing, I finally explained Griffin and I met while I was walking my dog. I had to leave out certain parts, like him being the Grim Reaper. I couldn't drag them into that. They're my best friends and I couldn't live with myself if I knew they worried about me. They deserved to smile genuinely before I leave. It wouldn't be fair to have to weigh them down with my burdens.

Once they finally accepted my answer, they were quick to rummage through my bag. Kira glared at me when she saw what was in the bag. I still had to go out and get the rest. For now, I only had two fake swords and a mask. She must think I gave up completely. She tossed the bag to the side, much to Indie's dismay. She frowned at Kira.

"I was still looking in that bag, you dimwit!" She barked.

"There's nothing to look at!" Kira shot back before turning back to me. Her expression softened. "Kenzie, I get that you just broke up with Micah-" The look on my face stopped her.

Up until now, I had totally forgotten about Micah. It was like he didn't exist. I was relieved. Looking back on our relationship, it wasn't worth the effort. Obviously, neither one of us was happy with the other. Micah didn't want me, he wanted my looks. He wanted what he thought I'd be like. I guess that's why he became so controlling. Once he realized I wasn't who he thought, he tried to mold me into that person.

I wasn't happy being controlled. The person I used to be couldn't be controlled. The only people I answered to were my parents. Not even Kira and Indie could keep me under wraps for long. Being in that relationship, that person faded away. The thought arguing was quickly thrown away. The fight I had in me left and was replaced by a girl who would rather pay attention to leaves on the ground. I thought that girl was okay. That everyone likes her. Now, I know everyone doesn't like her because I hate her.

I smiled at my best friends, "Screw him. Let's get decorating!"

Indie gave me a suspicious look before shrugging and following me. It took Kira a few extra seconds to join us, but she eventually did. We grabbed the boxes of decorations from the basement and got to work. Kira hung up the lights around the house while Indie and I put up the fake cobwebs with spiders. Eventually, Lindsay and Tanner joined us. Tanner always does the cauldrons of dry ice. He's like our special effects guy. Lindsay decorated the furniture and the door. She put a fake mummy right next to the door, knowing it'll scare at least one person.

My parents got to work with us. Mom was on the phone making calls for catering and Dad helped put up the decorations that went higher up on the wall while telling the worst jokes ever. Once again, my thoughts drifted from the problems in life. I was focused on the moment and enjoying every second. Though I liked decorating, I was glad when we were done. I was exhausted. Our house

"Why do cows have hooves instead of feet?" Dad grinned. We all collectively groaned. "Because they lactose!"

"That has to be the worst one!" Lindsay rolled her eyes, trying to hide her smile.

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