-T W E N T Y - S E V E N-

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Chapter Twenty-seven: Sick Day

As I tried to pull my pants on, I completely collapsed on the floor. My body was exhausted, despite me getting almost nine hours of sleep. I felt like I was on fire. I couldn't stop sweating. I was definitely sick, probably with a fever. It probably had to do with the fact that I've been walking in the freezing cold.

Mufasa sat down next to me and whimpered. I raised a hand to pat his head and assure him I was okay, but my arm felt extremely heavy. I sighed, attempting to get up. When I failed at that, I simply shut my eyes and slowly drifted back to sleep.

Before I was completely out of it, I felt something hit my shoulder. I opened one eye to see Tanner kicking my shoulder. I groaned, finally sitting up. He crouched down to my level and frowned.

"You're sweating in the middle of twenty-degree weather," I couldn't tell if I was a question or a statement. "Are you sick?"

I shrugged, "I'm cold."

He sighed, helping me up. Once I was up, he guided me back to my bed and tucked me back in. I tried protesting, but I couldn't stop shivering. He must've noticed because he grabbed me another blanket.

"I'm not gonna be home today, so I'm gonna call Griffin," He stated, getting up.

I shook my head, "No, no, no. Y-you can't. He doesn't have a ph-phone."

"Yes, he does. I've had his number since Christmas," Tanner pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

Since Christmas? Why didn't he tell me?

I tried sitting up but quit halfway through. I desperately needed sleep. I'd have to argue with him later. Tanner's voice slowly faded as I drifted back off to sleep. Not too long after, I felt like I was burning alive. I kicked my comforter off and threw the blanket across the room.

"Careful, you could hurt someone with kicks like that," It was Griffin.

I groaned, slowly sitting up. My head was pounding, "How long was I out?"

He shrugged, "I got here an hour ago, so I'd say about an hour."

"There's medicine in the cabinets in the kitchen. Could you get me some? My head hurts," I sighed. There was a moment of hesitation and I was reminded of his actions last time I wanted medicine. "Please don't fight me on this. My nose is stuffed, I'm tired, I'm hot, and my throat hurts. A headache is the last thing I need."

He sighed and left the room. He may have been gone for about a minute, but it felt like forever. I was freezing again and all I wanted was the blanket I kicked across the room. The second I stood up, my legs felt weak. I imagined noodles taking the place of them for a second.

Wouldn't that be cool?

Idiots like you think everything's cool.

I'm not an idiot! I'm just imaginative!

No, honey, you're just idiotic.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my blanket. I spun around and saw how far away my bed was. It felt miles away. Instead of trying to go back, I leaned against my wall and slid down. I ended up on the floor, wrapped up in my blanket.

I yawned. I had the flu once before when I was a kid. Back then, commercials made the flu seem fatal. I was terrified when Dad told me I had it. He then explained to me I wasn't going to die, I was just sick. I experienced the exact same symptoms then. The chills and sweats, the loss of appetite, the headaches. It went away after two days, so I hoped it would do the same thing this time.

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