-F O R T Y - S E V E N-

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Chapter 47: Buttercream


I stared at the picture from two years ago. There wasn't a single drop of life in his eyes. His face was pale. It looked like he had never smiled in his entire life. He looked nothing like me. I glanced up at the mirror, observing what as being reflected back.

The man in the mirror was more familiar. He didn't have to smile to look happy. Smile lines were forming around the corners of his mouth. His eyes had seen so much. They saw a life worth living.

Same face, different people.

I pulled on my jacket, buttoning the front. I decided to take Mackenzie out on a date. A rather fancy date. For the first time since prom, I was in a suit. I didn't like suits usually. They were too stuffy and projected an image of wealth. They were stuck up in that way. However, I'd bear it for Mackenzie. She was more than worth it.

I sent her a text, rolling my eyes all the while.

Me: Dinner at Crowley's. 20 minutes?

Minutes later, she responded.

Kenzie Ken: Griffin Isaac Ryder, I love you more than I could possibly say (or type in this case). You don't give yourself enough credit for anything. You're funny, extremely smart (sometimes too smart for me), talented beyond measure (10/10 dood), and the most kind-hearted person I've ever met. Thank you for being the most amazing boyfriend anyone could ever wish for, the best friend in the world, my personal (unpaid) bodyguard, and loving me unconditionally (I know it's not easy).

I frowned. She usually didn't send me long messages like that. If she wanted to say something sentimental, she'd say it in person. Mackenzie didn't like sending heartfelt text messages because she said it isn't as personal. I slid on my shoes and decided to check on her. I had to make sure she was okay.

Mackenzie had been acting strange lately. She's been spending more time with me than usual. She spent the morning of Christmas with her family and the rest of the day with Dad and me. Not only that, she's been weird about the future. She changed the subject whenever it came up.

When I arrived, Lindsay said she had just left. As I opened my mouth to ask where she went, I felt it. Something was wrong with her. It wasn't just a tinge of warning. It felt like a siren and warning lights were going off in my head. Without hesitation, I left to find her.

I found myself standing on the sidewalk of a busy area. I frantically looked around, desperate to find her. The second I did, my heart dropped. Our eyes met for a brief moment and time slowed.

"Mom? Can I go with you this time?" I begged.

She shook her head, "Not today, baby. I will be back very soon, okay? "

I nodded, "Okay." She hugged me tightly before turning and giving my dad a hug and a kiss.

"Take care of your old man while I'm gone, okay?" She said to me.

I smiled, "Okay mom!"

She smiled at me before turning and leaving. I could tell her smile wasn't normal. It seemed weird. I shook it off and followed Dad into the living room and finished my cartoon.

That was the last time I ever saw my mom alive.

That same smile was on Mackenzie's face.

I pumped my legs as quickly as I possibly could to get to her. Before I could reach her, she flew through the air and traffic stopped. Time finally caught up and I was by her side, cradling her. She was unconscious, hardly breathing at all. Her skin was becoming increasingly pale.

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