-T W E N T Y-

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Chapter Twenty: Real Mature

For the next two weeks, I didn't speak to Griffin at all. I avoided him as much as possible. He didn't attempt to apologize, so I didn't attempt to start a conversation. If he wasn't going to apologize, I didn't have anything to say to him. He made me sound like such a nuisance, a thorn in his side. I'm not the one who chose to be in this situation.

When I got home from school, I got ready for my day out with my best friends. We were going winter shopping. I pulled on a peach shirt and blue jeans. I grabbed my black coat and white Converse. On my way out, I gave Mufasa a quick pat on the head. He had been affected by the situation between Griffin and me too. He was like a human child sometimes.

I shut the door behind me and took a deep breath. It was freezing. The sky was completely covered with clouds. They weren't gray, they were white which meant it would snow soon. I was so excited for the snow. Greyford really got into the winter season. We had festivals and people would decorate their houses and buildings they owned. Even Applewood gets decorated every year.

"How's it going with Griffin?" Kira asked the second I got in the car.

I sighed, "He's still a jerk, why?"

"You two are acting like an old married couple. What did he even do?" Indie peered at me through the rearview mirror.

I took a second to think of my answer. I couldn't say exactly why what he said hurt me so much because then they'd know he was the grim reaper and I'd die in a year's time. I had to change the story a bit to make him sound like a normal teenager.

"He basically called me needy-"

"Basically?" Indie repeated knowingly. "So, he didn't call you needy exactly."

"It was implied!" I shot back. "He said not all of his friends needed him at their side every second of the day like I do! He's the one who won't leave me alone! I didn't ask him to follow me around all the time like some sort of third parent! I was just fine before-"

"I'm sure you guys will get it together at some point. Until then, we're shopping," Kira cut the conversation short.

We all headed into the mall. It wasn't totally crowded, which was good. I wasn't in the mood to fight some girl over a sweater. I was hardly in the mood to shop. The thought of Griffin brought a sour taste to my mouth. Here I was thinking he was a nice guy who cared. Instead, he's a jerk who pretended to care about my life because it was his job.

I can be such an idiot sometimes.

That's why we have best friends. They're here for you even when you aren't here for yourself.

I smiled. That was the point. My best friends and I spending time together. I was done worrying about Griffin today. It was about time I spent more time with my girls. After all, my time is short. I don't want to spend the time I have left worried about some guy. He wasn't worth my time.

We flew through the first few stores, hands full of bags. Indie abandoned us by the second store. Since her family was pretty much rich, she headed off to the more expensive wing of the mall. Kira and I preferred not to spend too much on clothes. Half of the clothes in the bags I'd wear once or twice then either hate or forget about them. Plus, they were only good for one season. Once spring comes around, most of these clothes will be useless.

"So, the carnival's coming to town pretty soon," Kira said, looking through more clothes.

"I'm so excited! I can't wait to drink hot cocoa and ride the Ferris wheel-" I stopped myself once I reached a realization.

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