-T W E N T Y - F I V E-

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Chapter Twenty-five: Happy New Year!

Once the rush of Christmas passed, it was time for Lindsay's New Year's Eve party. Our parents were going to a party at their friends' house, so they agreed to let Lindsay have a party of her own. Naturally, she invited almost everyone she knew and had me invite almost everyone I knew. Though our house wasn't small, it surely wasn't going to be big enough for this many people to fit. However, that never stopped Lindsay.

Every year, I made sure to visit Grandma's grave. This year, I went early in the morning. It had just snowed, so I couldn't bring Mufasa with me. My walk was silent. That was what I absolutely loved about snow. It was silent. It didn't make a sound to announce its arrival. It fell silently and never interrupted my thoughts.

"Happy New Year's Eve, Grandma. Sorry, I couldn't bring Mufasa, but the snow's pretty bad. Then again, you've always loved the snow. Maybe that's where I got it from..." I trailed off, thinking back to when we used to play in the snow together. "Anyway, I have to get back soon or Lindsay's gonna tear my head off. I love you."

With that, I blew her headstone a kiss and headed back home. I couldn't stay long because I didn't want to freeze. Besides, I had to get back before Lindsay notices I left. Once I got home, I took a shower and made myself a bowl of cereal. I spent my alone time cuddling with my dog and watching reruns of shows on tv. It was peaceful. Well, up until the point I heard Lindsay march down the stairs.

She was still in pajamas, but ready to start decorating for the party. I sighed and helped her get to work. This was supposed to be a break for me. No school and no homework to worry about. Instead, I've been working around the house. I was doing more physical work than usual and that didn't go unnoticed by my muscles which were starting to get sore.

By noon, everything was set up. Kira was coming over soon to help me get dressed. Indie was getting ready on her own today. She wanted her outfit to be a surprise. I doubt she was surprising us. She wanted to surprise her boyfriend and if she showed Kira, Bradley could easily get her to tell.

"This has to be perfect! I have food being delivered around nine," She scrolled through her phone. "And my friend hired a mixer, so tonight's gonna have a bit of spice."

I rolled my eyes, "Let me guess, there's no sparkling cider?"

She smiled sarcastically, "Ding ding ding! Correct you are, little sister. These are college kids we're talking about. Your high school friends might be babies, but in college, everyone drinks. Now, I have to go pick up a few things for my outfit tonight. You know how it is when you have a midnight kiss."

I groaned, "Don't remind me. I'm two seconds from slitting his throat and blaming it on Mufasa."

Lindsay gave me a funny look, "Little harsh, don't you think, Kenz?"

Nice going, genius. Now she thinks something's wrong with you.

I shrugged, "Whatever. I have to get ready."

Before I could get away, she grabbed my arm. Concern filled her eyes. She was onto me. I knew I wouldn't be getting away this time. Lindsay cared a lot about me. She always has and always will. Her caring becomes a problem at some point. Like now. I knew exactly what she was going to say.

"You either tell me or you tell mom and dad. You choose," She raised an eyebrow.

Told you.

I sighed, "I dumped him because he wanted to see other people while we were on a break."

She crossed her arms, "I know there's more than that."

"I had to stay after school because of something that happened in class and he-" I took a deep breath, not wanting to cry. Even so, I still felt a lump in my throat. "He attacked me. Griffin was there and-"

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