-T H I R T Y - T W O-

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Chapter Thirty-two: Happy Birthday, Griffin!

I groaned, knowing I'd have to hang the streamers myself. I took them from Indie and got on the stool. She rolled her eyes and marched away, muttering something under her breath. I knew I was getting on everyone's nerves, but I couldn't help it. I had the exact design in my head and no one was doing it right.

Even though Griffin said no, I was throwing him a party. He had to celebrate. I realized I wanted to because this would be the only chance I get to celebrate with him. I also felt the need to. I had a feeling birthday parties weren't his thing, but it would help him open up more.


"Kenzie, maybe you should take a break," Kira suggested.

I shot her a glare, "No."

"You've been working for hours," She sighed. "Everything looks nice."

"Besides, it's a bonfire. We don't need spaghetti," Indie added.

I blew a piece of hair out of my face, "Could you guys just work with me? He'll be here in twenty minutes."

Indie sighed and pulled me aside. Kira continued my work to appease me. Once we were away from the group, Indie stared me in my eyes without a sense of humor. She was deadly serious.

"What's up with you? It's just a party. You weren't this serious about your own birthday. Never mind your best friends."

I frowned, "What are you-"

"Mackenzie," She raised an eyebrow.

I took a deep breath and let it out before answering, "He does so much for me. The least I can do is throw him a party."

"Kenzie, I know Griffin-"

Sometimes I forget she's the funny friend.

Not the time.

"And I know he hardly likes the rest of us as it is. He tolerates us. A party?"

You know she's right.

I decided to listen to Indie and uninvite everyone but the few friends of mine he likes. Despite the angry responses, I knew it was the right thing. It was Griffin's birthday. He should be able to enjoy it. I began taking down a few decorations, realizing none of this spoke to who Griffin was. Instead, I just made sure to have the spaghetti ready.

I spent an hour looking up traditional Italian spaghetti recipes. I didn't know which one he'd like, so I just chose a random one and hoped for the best. I took a seat beside my best friends outside and we talked about prom. It was in about a month and I still had a lot of work to do. Not to mention how much I've been stressing over finals. Those were next month, which meant graduation. It was scary how quickly time was passing.

You'll be dead soon!



"They're here!" Lindsay announced. Everyone rushed to the patio.

As soon as the door open, Griffin walked in, confusion written all over his face. He immediately observed the decorations and his face froze. I jumped up and smiled at him.


He slowly turned to me, "W-what's this?"

Did he just stutter? Griffin Ryder? Stuttering? This can't be good.

Oh no.

"Well, it's your birthday-"

"I'm aware of that. What's this?" He reached up and grabbed a streamer.

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