-F O R T Y - N I N E-

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Chapter 49: The Grim Reaper

The second I recognized Griffin, my body relaxed. I didn't how to tense I was until then. There was an unfamiliar look in his eyes. I had seen him angry before, but the anger was somehow darker. There was something more sinister lurking in the gray.

He blinked a few times, seemingly coming back to reality. He was beside my side before I could blink. I found myself melting into him as he cradled me. The warmth was comforting and familiar. I missed the familiarity more than I knew. I felt him peck the top of my head before we appeared in his room. The softness of the mattress under me was a welcome change.

"I'm so sorry," Griffin's voice was weak, shaky. "Fuck, I'm sorry."

My eyes met his watery ones. The darkness was replaced with remorse. He thought this was his fault. The second I was gone, he probably began blaming himself. It was a force of habit for him. Besides that, it was easier to blame yourself for things than anything.

"Stop that. Stop blaming yourself," I frowned. "You didn't kidnap me. You didn't throw me around like a ragdoll. You aren't responsible."

He shook his head, "He's my uncle. I should've known-"


"No," He looked down shamefully. "It's my responsibility to look after you. Not only as a Reaper or your boyfriend. As your friend. I could've stayed with you that night. None of this would've happened if I had."

I pulled him into the best hug I could manage. I felt incredibly weak, but I ignored that for the time being. Immediately, his shoulders began to shake, his body following along. I wanted to join him. I could definitely go for a sob party, but he needed me. I let him cry it out on my shoulder, rubbing his back comfortingly.

This was a theme with us. He was strong when I was weak and vice versa. We were alike in this way. We both carried the need to act strongly until it's not possible anymore. He had been strong for too long this time. It was my turn. I didn't plan on letting him down either. Never again.

Eventually, Griffin cried it all out and I made my way to the bath. Of course, not without the help of Griffin. I insisted I could do it alone, but he wasn't having it. I was entirely too tired to protest any longer and let him help. However, that exhaustion as quickly replaced with embarrassment. When he offered to help, I didn't know he meant he'd be helping me out of my clothes and into the tub.

Once I was settled under the bubbles, he disappeared. I was left alone with my thoughts once again. This time, I could relax and allow myself to reflect. My mind drifted back to that cell. The look in Griffin's eyes was chilling. The gray had never seemed so colorful. The colors weren't bright and welcoming like they usually were.

They were vivid.

Something happened before he got to me. Something that couldn't have been pretty. He didn't seem alarmed or in a hurry when he showed up. More than anything, he seemed distracted by his thoughts. He also didn't have a hard time getting down the hallway because it was nearly silent. Whatever happened, Zeke didn't receive the present he was expecting.


My eyes fluttered open to reveal Griffin standing there with a pile of clothes and a towel in his arms. This time, he allowed me to work on my own. It was a relief because Griffin seeing me naked was already enough for one day. I slipped into the large hoodie and shorts and went to find Griffin.

I hobbled into the kitchen to find him preparing something. He was leaning over the stove, staring into a pot. I leaned against the door frame, watching him. It was an interesting sight to see. What was even more intriguing was that he didn't notice me. Griffin wasn't easy to sneak up on because he was always on high alert.

The Grim Reaper EffectWhere stories live. Discover now