-T H I R T Y - E I G H T-

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Chapter 38: Firecrackers or Fireworks?

I rolled off of my bed, groaning when my body flopped onto the floor. Mufasa rushed over, surveying the damage. When he couldn't find anything wrong, he trotted away, probably going somewhere for a treat. With another groan, I was on my feet and into the shower. I quickly got dressed in a red and white striped crop top and light wash boyfriend jeans.

My hair was in a high ponytail. Since it was the Fourth of July, I did my makeup. My eyes were nude pink and pink glitter traced the top of my liner. My lips were nude pink to match. For once, I filled in my eyebrows. It took a while, but it was worth it. I slipped into a pair of red Vans and joined my family in the backyard.

My parents were doing the cooking while Lindsay and Tanner were setting up the tables and chairs. Every year, my parents hosted a small Fourth of July party. It was usually just a few friends and family. We had a great view of the fireworks show from our backyard. Since they were throwing a party, they had to prepare for the guests by setting up and cooking. I usually avoided both at all costs.

"Kenzie!" Tanner called out. "Just the girl I wanted to see. Could you-"

"I'd love to help, Tanner, but I have to walk Mufasa," I gestured over to the dog currently begging Dad for food. "Maybe when we get back-"

"Mackenzie, we both know you won't be back to set up," He rolled his eyes. "Tell her I said 'hi,' will ya?"

I nodded, smiling sadly before calling Mufasa over. I waved to my family and Mufasa and I were on our way. He was antsy today, so it was hard to keep up. Even so, I continued trying. He stopped, sniffing a few trees and giving me a small break each time. I found myself panting by the time we made it to the cemetery. Mufasa hopped up on the bench and sat down.

I turned to her headstone, "Tanner says 'hi.' He misses you, ya know? He tries not to show it, but he really does. You two were close. I just wish he'd stop being so guarded all the time. Anyway, we're having our annual party tonight. I'm usually excited for it, but this year... I don't know. I'm just not excited anymore.

"But enough about that. I would stay longer, but I'm meeting Griffin at the park in a few minutes and I don't want to be late. Luckily, I know you're always with me, so it's fine. I love you so much and I miss you more than you know."

I smiled before whistling to Mufasa and heading to the park. It was a bittersweet feeling at this point. For a lot of my life, I've felt like I was floating around without enough control to pull myself back down to the ground. Nothing held me there when my grandma died. Visiting her grave gave me a sense of control and ability to ground myself, though it's usually temporary.

Shortly after we arrived at the party, Griffin showed up. To my surprise, he looked extremely festive. He was wearing a blue shirt with a pocket designed as the flag, his normal black jeans, and the same pair of red Vans as me. He was wearing his bracelet again today. The scythe was just as shiny as it was the day I got it. He didn't wear the bracelet much, though I wish he did. I knew he didn't want to mess it up or destroy it in any way.

When he spotted Mufasa and me, he greeted us with a smile. Before he could reach us, Mufasa ran over to him and jumped up. I rolled my eyes. It was like he considered Griffin to be his owner. Griffin just laughed and scratched behind the dog's ear. He gently pushed Mufasa away and came over to me.

"He such a loyal animal," He grinned.

"Loyal my a-" I cut myself off, clearing my throat as a mother and her child passed by. "Ahem, my butt."

Griffin flashed me a knowing look before peering out at the park, "Are we staying here long? There are a lot of children here and-"

"You're afraid of those kids jumping you again?" I smirked.

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