-T W E N T Y - T W O-

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Chapter Twenty-two: Snow Day

"Mackenzie," Someone sang my name.

I cracked one eye open to see Tanner sitting at the edge of my bed wiggling his eyebrows. I groaned, rolling over. I was entirely too tired to deal with him at the moment. My nose caught a whiff of something nice. Tanner must've been wearing cologne. We did have school after all.


I sprang out of bed, almost collapsing onto the ground. I had to be late considering Tanner was already ready and I wasn't. I wouldn't have time for makeup or hair, so I grabbed a random pair of clothes and ran to the bathroom. I got dressed quicker than I ever thought possible. Somewhere in between putting clothes on, I managed to brush my teeth very briefly and drown myself in mouthwash.

When I got back to my room, Tanner was sitting on my bed with a smirk on his face. I frowned at him, "Why are you just sitting there?! We're late!"

He stood up and crossed my room. He opened my curtains. It was so bright outside, my eyes burned. Once they adjusted, I realized why he was so calm. The ground was cover in snow and snow was still falling.

It was a snow day.

I groaned, throwing myself on my bed, "If we don't have school, why are you wearing cologne?"

"I'm not," Tanner furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you on?"

He shook his head and left the room. Suddenly my mind registered the smell. It was my cow. It still smelled like Griffin's car. It was usually on my desk, but I needed an extra pillow last night so I used my cow. I had absolutely no idea what kind of cologne he wears, but I was grateful it wasn't Axe. It smells good but can be too intense sometimes.

After a few more minutes of looking like a human plank on my bed, I got up and properly got ready for the day. I texted my best friend group chat with my idea. Since it was a snow day, I suggested a snowball fight in the park. When they both agreed, I got ready again.

This time, I knew what I was wearing. I was wearing a blue shirt and black jeans. Before putting my coat on, I made my way into the kitchen. Dad made omelets before he left for work. When mom makes them, they're normal-sized. Dad makes jumbo omelets. I hopped into a seat and poured syrup all over my plate.

I got to work demolishing my food. Tanner was doing the same thing, except without the syrup everywhere. Besides Lindsay, I was the only one who ate almost all of my breakfast food with syrup. It just makes breakfast that much better. It didn't take long for me to finish. I hardly ate last night due to homework. I was starting to fall behind and that wasn't good. The second my grades slip, I'm in a world of trouble.

Once I was finished, I was stuffed to the point of rubbing my legs. I stopped the second I realized what I was doing. My parents did this when they were full and so did my grandparents. It meant I was getting old, which is something I don't want. I'm too young.

On the bright side, we know we won't make it past 18!

Thanks for the friendly reminder.

Any time.

I sat at the table for a little while, too full to move. When I could, I got up and did my hair. I pulled my hair into a ponytail, though it took a bit of water and product to do. It was winter, so I had another excuse not to straighten my hair. It was entirely too much work and I preferred my curly hair. It didn't matter what it looked like because I pulled a hat on over it.

As I slipped on my boots, I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I checked it, knowing it was probably Kira or Indie. I was proven right when Kira's name showed up on my screen.

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