-T W E N T Y - O N E-

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Chapter Twenty-One: The Ferris Wheel

The weekend arrived quicker than I expected. Indie and Kira would meet me at the carnival. Or should I say "us" because Indie invited Griffin to join. Though it was more like threatened him if he didn't come. Indie's very intimidating when she wants to be. It's like she has some sort of superpower that allows her to scare people into submission, regardless of their height, build, or sex.

I was in a purple sweater and black jeans. I was finally able to wear my fuzzy socks without being judged and I couldn't have been happier. They were black and white. I was waiting for Griffin to put my coat and boots on. He was my "date" today.

Tanner was sitting on the couch when I walked into the living room. He glanced at me, "Carnival?"

"Where else?" I shrugged, plopping down next to him. "So, what are you getting me for my birthday?"

He laughed, "In your dreams."

"You have no idea."

"No clue," He shrugged.

Tanner and I talked for a while about that night. I knew I'd forgive him in the end because he's my brother, but I needed him to understand how much he hurt me. I was glad we were back to normal because not talking to Tanner was weird. I especially missed messing with him. He is my little brother after all.

I sighed, "I'm getting old."

"No, dad's getting old-"

"Hey!" Dad placed his hand on his chest as if he was offended. "I'm only forty-one! We'll see who's laughing when you're my age."

Tanner rolled his eyes and I let out a fake laugh. I used to love his jokes about age, but now they made me sad. I would never get to be his age. I'd never get to experience everything he has like college and marriage. I was never the one to really want kids, but I always thought I'd end up with at least one or two.

None of that was written in the books for me.

I barely get to graduate high school. Even the thought of my graduation left me bitter. As a kid, I imagined graduating with a nice boyfriend in the stands. Now that I'm in my senior year and graduation is months away, that wasn't a big concern of mine. Not having a boyfriend didn't matter to me as much anymore. The problem was the fact that I'd never get to experience true love.

Before I could sink into a hole of regret, the doorbell rang. I was relieved to get out of the house and get my mind off things. The festival was always so much fun. Even when I was stuck with Micah, I always managed to have fun. I slipped into my sand brown boots and dark brown coat.

"See you guys later!" I shouted over my shoulder.

I opened the door and was met with an interesting sight. Griffin wearing a coat. In the time I've known him, he's never worn a coat. No matter how cold it had gotten outside, he never wore a coat. Yet here he was sporting a black coat.

"Whoa, you're wearing a coat," I pointed out, shutting the door behind me.

"So are you," He responded, sounding a bit puzzled. "Your point being...?"

"You never wear coats. I've seen you in a jacket maybe a handful of times."

He shrugged, "Reapers don't get cold like humans do. Fall weather isn't as bad for us. Winter is the only time we really get cold, depending on the weather. I just figured it'd be weird to show up without a coat on and it's snowing."

"It's not snow-" I stopped when I realized he was right.

It was a small flurry.

"Oh my-" I couldn't stop myself from running into the snow, swirling in circles.

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