-F O R T Y - O N E-

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Chapter 41: A Visible Hickey

"Well, we may have kissed after that... and by that, I mean on the 4th," I bit my lip.

Indie gasped, "What?!"

I smiled, explaining everything that happened after I left. Of course, she yelled at me for holding back for so long. When I told her what happened, she got upset she left so early. I couldn't help but smile. It hadn't been that long, but I already missed her voice. Apparently, Bradley was handling this worse than Kira, which spoke volumes. Since he was attending a university near Indie, he hardly left. Admittedly, I was glad to hear things were working out between the two. Kira and Julie were attending the same school, so it was working out for them as well.

Seeing my friends leave with their significant others reminded me of Micah's plans. He planned on attending the same college as me to "keep an eye on me" at all times. Now that we're broken up, his new girlfriend would have to deal with that. Through it all, I hoped he was doing better in his life. I hoped he could find happiness within himself. I knew Micah wasn't happy and he took it out on me. I just hoped for everyone's sake, he finds that happiness.

"So, we keep secrets now, Kenzie?" She glared.

"It's not a secret anymore considering I just told you," I shrugged.

"Alright smartass, what are you gonna do about your neck?"

I frowned, reaching up to touch my neck, "What about my-"

I took a closer look at my neck through the view on my laptop and saw what she was talking about. I never felt my cheeks get so hot in my life. There was a huge hickey right above my collarbone. I felt embarrassment, anger, and fear all at once. Not only was there a hickey- which was embarrassing enough. It was a visible hickey.

"WHAT DO I DO?!" I screeched, full panic-mode. "My dad's gonna kill me! Then my mom's gonna resurrect me just to kill me again! And Lindsay's gonna film the whole thing! It's the end for me-"

"Calm down," She rolled her eyes. "You're such a drama queen. Just use concealer and wear turtlenecks. You have hair. Use it. Avoid your parents for a few days and you should be fine."

After a few more minutes, I finally calmed down. We talked a bit longer before she had to go. Bradley was taking her out for lunch. I sighed and got up. I had to cover up the hickey before anyone saw it. Once it was covered with makeup and hidden under a turtleneck crop top, I went into the kitchen. Tanner was sitting there, munching on a bag of chips. He glanced up at me and frowned.

"What's with the turtleneck? It's eighty degrees right now."

I shrugged, turning away from him and to the refrigerator, "Fashion is unconventional."

"Oh, Griffin texted me," His voice was muffled by the chips, but I heard him.

My heart stopped, "He did?"

"Yeah, he told me to tell you to meet him at the park."

I frowned, turning around again, "Why didn't he text me?"

Tanner shrugged and stood up. I noticed how much better he'd been looking lately. He's been taking medicine to help him sleep. Nowadays, he looked a lot more alive. I was grateful. I was slowly getting my brother back. Though it was a gradual process, I was happy it was being put in motion. After I'm gone, I'll be happy knowing he's trying again.

After stretching, he turned to me with a bored expression, "By the way, it's summer, Mackenzie. You're not fooling anyone with that turtleneck. I hope you used protection."

"We didn't even-" He was gone before I could finish.

I groaned to myself.

Griffin's a dead man.

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