-E P I L O G U E-

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I scrambled the eggs, humming the first tune that came to mind. For once, I was making breakfast. Not only was I actually cooking, but I had also gotten up early to do so. I was usually the last person awake but waking up early was starting to grow more common each day.

It was going to be a good day. I felt it in my bones, though I couldn't figure out just why. The morning was beautiful at least. The sun was slowly rising, casting light through the window and giving the apartment an orange glow. I could hear the neighbor and their dog trotting down the hall on the way to their usual morning walk.

I envied that routine. My routine had never been so inconsistent in my life. Two years after graduating high school, I decided to take online college courses, so I'd at least be doing something when I got back to the States. I'd either finish my work early and hang out for the rest of the day or procrastinate until the last minute by hanging out all day, which meant I usually had no set schedule.

I tried multiple times to find myself a schedule. After two years of trying more hobbies than I could count, I finally concluded that I wouldn't have a routine until after I graduated.

A pair of hands slammed down on either side of me, trapping me. A small smile spread across my lips as I plated the eggs. Before I could turn around, I felt a pair of lips on the nape of my neck. I stifled the giggle threatening to escape me.

"Gram called. The council scheduled another meeting today," I kept my voice level.

Griffin groaned and I felt his lips leave my neck, "They talk more than they breathe at this point."

I spun around, meeting his gaze, "Come on now. Who says they breathe?"

He chuckled lightly, pushing the plate aside behind me. With ease, he lifted me up, setting me on the counter. I raised an eyebrow, biting back a smile. Griffin was already dressed for work in his usual button down and slacks. His tie hung down, untied.

Griffin had definitely gotten more attractive over the years. His chin was covered in stubble, his eyes glowing brighter. Years of working with his father and the other men on the council had given him a more mature demeanor, which I never thought possible considering he was never quite immature. He fed into my whining far less. Instead, he'd offer the same insight I'd get from my parents, which wasn't all that charming. In a way, it was smart because I definitely whined less out of fear of getting a lecture.

I leaned forward, tying Griffin's tie for him. We both knew he was perfectly capable of doing so himself, but he always insisted I do it. Of course, I refused the first time, taking the time after he left to google how to tie a tie. Now, it was second nature for me.

Griffin watched me closely, his eyes never leaving mine. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly, wondering what was on his mind. After a moment, I figured he was focused on work as he usually was in the mornings. Reaching behind me, I grabbed his plate.

In an instant, Griffin's lips were sealed over mine. I easily melted into him, setting the plate down beside me. His hands slipped behind me, pulling me closer to him. I was lost in a daze, which wasn't unusual when it came to Griffin. He had never become less intoxicating. I was more addicted now than ever, which used to be a scary thought.

I mean, you aren't even engaged, so he can easily leave you.

I instinctively ignored her, something I was surprisingly good at. I cupped Griffin's face with my hands, slowly pulling away.

"Your breakfast is getting cold," I whispered teasingly.

"I'm willing to make that sacrifice," He leaned in, lips grazing mine.

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