Chapter 1

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I was walking down the street, so I could meet up with ash and the others in clemont's gym.

Since it was Christmas time, we were all getting presents for each other. I had hidden out all day so I could get the presents. I made everything. I had a soft winter hat for them all, and I had a scarf for Bonnie.

I thought it would be nice to get something for the pokemon, so I baked poke-puffs. I went to Clemont's house for that. His dad said I could use the kitchen. I made lots and lots of poke-puffs, I had so many that I had to put some into the hats! I gave some to of the poke-puffs to Clemont's dad as a thank-you and I set off down the street.

As the gym came into sight, I could see clemont with clembot wheeling in a big wagon with a large tarp over it. Ash was nowhere to be seen. Bonnie had some pieces of paper in her hands.I had everything hidden in my bag. Bonnie spotted me and came over. I noticed she was shivering a little.

' Serena! I hope you like my gift! I love making it! It was so so so fun!' she squealed with excitement. ' well, Bonnie, I enjoyed making my gifts too. I really hope you like them.' I smiled at her.

' Bonnie! Come back! Your shivering! I need to get you warm in the gym..' Clemont called out. He turned to Clembot. ' i can handle this wagon. could you go in and make four mugs of hot cocoa?' asked clemont. 'yes, sir' clembot said and walked into the gym.

I hurried to clemont to help with the wagon. ' Oh hey, Serena! Thanks for helping me! If only Bonnie would help...' he muttered.

After about ten minutes the wagon was inside the gym, and we put it in the main hall. As we wandered into the battlegrounds, Ash was eating away on the bleachers.

' Hey, guys *chew* I hope you guys * chew* got good *chew* gifts! I sure *chew* do!'he said. oh, that's just so typical of ash. He wiped his mouth with a napkin and leapt down from the bleachers. 'hi Serena!' he seized my hand and said ' i got something really nice for you!'. he grinned like an eager-to-please puppy. I feel a blush warming my face, and, with great awkwardness, said ' i need the toilet' and scurried away.

I splashed water on my face. I have a crush on Ash, and lately, I've been doing similar things. With a sigh, I went back to the battlegrounds. Bonnie looked at me funny, but Clemont and Ash were acting just the same.

' Serena, I need to talk too youuuu' Bonnie whisper-hissed into my ear. 'let's go nowwwwww'

' SO! let's exchange gifts now!' Exclaimed clemont.

'OK, MAYBE let's GO LATERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR' she half hiss-yelled-whispered into my ear. 'ok, ok Bonnie.'

' I'll go first. I have invented a machine for you all! For Ash, I have a machine that will heat up food in less than a minute! for Serena, I have a machine that will help you sew! you put the cloth underneath this needle here, and you move it forward! very convenient! And for Bonnie, I have a hat that has a robotic dedenne that will dance about!' He put them in our arms. well, he couldn't put Ash's in his arms since it was quite big. ' sorry 'bout that ash, I'll fix it later.' 'ok, thanks clemont!'

' I wanna go next!' shrieked Bonnie. ' i have pictures for you all!' she gave us all the pieces of paper I had seen her holding. As I looked at it I blushed. Really, really hard. It was me and Ash holding hands. I looked up. Bonnie smirked at me. Does she know?

'Well, ill go next.' I picked up my bag and pulled out the hats filled with the poke-puffs. 'you all have the hats, and you're very welcome to eat the poke-puffs, though they are for your pokemon.'

' That's so nice of you, Serena. Want one Pikachu?' ' Pika CHU!' he nibbled a poke-puff and his eyes shone. 'Pikaaaaaaaaaaaaa!' ' Would you like one, dedenne?' ' Nenene!' 'Here you go!' Clemont said ' I'll save mine for later. '

'Bonnie, you also have a scarf.' I said ' Thanks, Serena!'

'Ash, it's your turn.' Clemont said. ' Guess what I got! I got coupons for the big buffet restaurant nearby! we can eat there tonight!' 'and for you serena..' He gave me a blue ribbon.

I blushed. ' thanks ash!'

'now I and Serena have some very extremely super duper important talking to do.'

she pulled me out of the gym and said to me ' I know you have a crush on ash.'

word count: 805

71 Grammar mistakes in this chappie (Thanks Grammarly) omg I'm scared to do the rest lol


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