Chapter 18

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Time skip 1030.

Me and Ash snuggled into bed. Wow, this matress really is the best. So soft. 'Serena.' Ash said, inching closer to me. 'Yes?' I replied, staring into his chocolate eyes. 'Would you like to go on a date tomorrow? Take advantage of the city?' He whispered into my ear. I thought i would have to ask, but this arrangement worked better. 'Yep, Ash, of course, anytime!' i mumbled/rambled.

'This time, nearby and not with Charizard. Its too risky.' He said, shaking his head. 'Not that i don't like travelling with Charizard, its just too critical, even if we miss only one day of traveling. I'd rather die than you miss the showcase. You do have a plan, right? May does make a good duo with her blaziken. Be careful of Flame burst and sky uppercut. Thats her most popular.' He frowned. 'Of course i have a plan. Im using Sylveon and were doing fairy wind with moonblast. The wind will spin the moonblast, and then use dazzling gleam and crank up the fairy wind to finish with a bang. That should be great. I've planned but not actually practiced. I've got a gut feeling it will work, though. And even if it doesn't, i've got a plan of pancham using Dark pulse and stone edge. I plan on making the dark pulse strong and stone edge a bit weak so the Dark pulse will shower the rocks like sand. That one i have practiced, and it works ok.' I blurted out. I had wanted to tell someone my plans but then they might tell May. Ash wont tell her, though.

'Well Sere, lets hit the hay now. Im tired and we have that date and practice for the showcase tomorrow. ' i nodded and flicked off the lampshade that had been giving us light. Then i drifted into dreamland.

Maxs POV

May is asleep. So is Bonnies brother, Clemmy. Right now, i am in the bathroom in me and Mays room. Bonnie is with me. And were giggling our head off at the most ridiculous jokes, like, oh, no, wrong with Dedenne's tail? I feel electricity! Is she a radio? That kind of dumb stuff.

It was thunderstorming outside. Not too bad, but loud enough to hear the thunder. That gave an edge to the excitment.

And we were chatting. Its nice to have company of people my own age. I'm always travelling, and apparently my parents think in too young to travel by myself, so i have to travel with may. Which means going to all her stupid contests. And seeing all her high-and-mighty friends who think I'm just this little child tagging along. I'm not a baby anymore, i am a pokemon trainer!

'Max! Hii!' she whispered and waved her hand in front of my face. 'Heh... Sorry, zoned out a bit there. ' I say, covering my face. 'Hah, its ok.' she said, seizing my hand. I blushed and looked away. I like Bonnie. She is pretty cute.

'So, Max, do you have any other pokemon?' she asked. 'Except for grovyle?' 'yep.' 'well, i got a cascoon, which is pretty cool. Soon I'll get dustox. I'll show you via pokedex tomorrow. And i got a kirlia. I befriended it before i became a pokemon trainer. It will become a gallade. And Mightyena, which is also a pokemon i befrended before i became a pokemon trainer. And a pidgeot. Which means i have five pokemon in total, with grovyle being my partner.' I gasped for breath. I had said that so quickly i forgot about breathing.

'Neat! I bet you are pretty strong!' she squealed. Then her eyes widened and so did mine. Oh heck no. 'May will be in here soon. Quick, turn off rhe lights and we gotta run for it.' I flicked of the lights. 'Nect time the thunder rumbles.' i muttered. Thunder shook, and we ran for it, bolted out the door. We ran down the steps, and out the front door. This was all one epic nightime adventure. I tossed pidgeot. It squaked and i leaped on. I could hear may shouting for Clemmy. 'Quick Bonnie!' i hissed. I helped her up and told pidgeot to move quickly. We managed to get to some tumbledown building, a few miles away. We would take turns patrolling, and go back to our rooms at the crack of Dawn.

Mays POV

Ok, so what are those two idiots doing, running off. I banged on Clemont and Ash and Serenas door. 'QUICK, BONNIE AND MAX HAVE FLOWN SOMEWHERE ON MAXS PIDGEOT AND I GOT NO IDEA WHERE THEY ARE!' I yelled at the top of my voice. Mumbling came from Ashs room and shrieks of terror form clemont and exclamations of things like "oh, dear!" and "how can you be so idiotic, Bonnie!?"

They all came out in pjs. Ok, now to hunt them down.

Maxs POV

Ok, we have been here for about an hour. There is a clock in this building, for some reason. Bonnie shivered and i went over. 'Shh. Its ok. Think if this as one giant adventure. It will be ok.' I said, giving her a hug. She hugged back and we curled into a corner, along with pidegot, who was really warm. 'do you think they will find us?' Bonnie asked, shaking. 'I dont know, but i certainly hope not. Now lets get into the habit of staring out the door and being super still, so if they do come here, then we can hopefully not be noticed.' I whispered into her ear.

However, our hopes were in vain. In our hearts of hearts, we knew they would find us. It was so, so obvious. Even though it was about an hour before they came, we knew that they would definitely see us. Ash has eyes like a cat. And, sure enough, we could hear the patter of footsteps, before they came. Me and Bonnie tensed. 'MAX AND BONNIE, GET OUT OF THERE RIGHT NOW!'

A/N yes, i like forthwheel. So if you dont like it, then you gotta deal with it. Anyways, cliffhangyyyyyyy! Stay tuned, the next chapter is gonna be pretty climactic!


P.s. I keep forgetting to put the word count XD

Word count:1,052

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