Chapter 2

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'What? me! No way! I've never had a crush on anyone... 'Specially not ash...' I said.

'Well, Serena, you may not know it, but actually, when I was at school everyone said I was extremely like a mindreader. Or like a body-language reader. Is that a thing? Anyways, my judgement was never wrong. And I know you have a crush on ash! its just so very obvious... Like, for example, you're blushing! Well, Serena, you need to tell Ash! You can't just sit there and hope he notices! If you don't make a choice, the world makes that choice for you. Or someone's going to steal him away from you.'Bonnie said soberly. 'Why, if you need some confidence, you can take me shopping for clothes!!!' Bonnie squealed suddenly.

'Ok, Bonnie. You just want to go clothes shopping, right? Well, if you really want to go with me, then you can. But you need to tell Clemont. And also....' Bonnie cut in 'YOUR AVOIDING MY POINT!! YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON ASH! YOU DO, YOU DO, YOU DO!!! But of course, Ash is way too dense to even realise it...' 

'Bonnie... what am I going to do with you... Ok, fine, I do. But you have to promise you won't interfere with me and Ash's relationship, ok?" I sighed. This was going to be a long day.

She glanced at me, giving me puppy dog eyes. "But- But I fi can help..." "Bonnie." "*sigh* fine..." "Ok, we can go shopping now, if you want."

'Yay! Ok, let me ask clemont.'

--Inside the gym--

'Bonnie, if you want to go with Serena, then you must ask her nicely. You must buy everything with your own money. Here, have 1,500₱. Now, you can go. Behave yourself!' Clemont said to Bonnie. 

' Ok clemmy!' Bonnie said. 'What did you call me, Bonnie?' asked clemont, extra politely. 'CLEMMY!!!' Bonnie screamed. 'Please refrain from calling me "clemmy." ok Bonnie?' 'YES CLEMMY!!!' yelled bonnie and ran out of the door. Clemont gave a rueful smile. Ash just stood there, grinning like an idiot.  'Well, I should probably catch up to Bonnie before she buys out an entire store of food... well, I'll be back by 530. Bye guys!' I dashed out the door after Bonnie. 'C'MON SERENA! KEEP UP! WE ONLY HAVE 2 HOURS!!!' shouted Bonnie. 'Bonnie, there is enough time. Slow down. You're going to get lost. Bonnie no! Left. Now right.  Bonnie, High street! Go onto high street!" 

--On High Street--

'Serena! Serena! This one!!! LET'S GO INTO THIS ONE!!!!!!' Yelled Bonnie. I covered my eyes as everyone turned their heads to stare. I just groaned. 'Bonnie, keep your voice down!' I whispered. 'SORRY SERENA!!!' she yelled. 'Bonnie! please!' I spun around. As I did so, I caught sight of a familiar shade of blue hair. Oh no. Miette. Oh, Arceus, tell me this is not happening! Here I am with a tiny little girl, whom I love, but my Rival, right in front of me, is witnessing her shouting at me.


'ok, Bonnie.' I muttered. We walked in and there were an amazing amount of dresses. I found myself eyeing a Tuxedo. Ash would look so handsome in that. Suddenly I realised what I was doing. Serena, I scolded, you are here to spend quality time with a girl. Now look around and find a nice dress. To impress ash... ugh, here we go again, my brain wandering away with itself... 

I saw a really cute white dress with ribbons that reminded me of a sylveon.  The skirt was very wide and perfect for Rhydon Racing. I loved the dress, also Bonnie saw me eyeing it and instantly brought it over and thrust it into my arms. ' Put it on!' she said. ' ok, Bonnie.' I walked to the changing room and slid it over my head. It really was pretty. I walked out, and Bonnie squealed ' Its perfect! just right for impressing Ash! And perfect for a DATE!' i sigh. Little girls like her don't get it, do they? Then she said,  ' You need to get that. Change into your clothes and put it into this bag.' She dumped the bag in my arms. It had the shop's name on it, The Boutique. I went back to the dressing room and picked up my clothes and changed back into them. Then I put the dress into the bag. I walked out. 

' Next dress.' As Bonnie put dress after dress in my arms, I decided I needed to stop her before she got to carried away. ' Bonnie. I can't buy all this. it will make me go bankrupt! I said.'Awww... ok..lemme take out the less cute dresses.' she removed so many, there was only the one we picked and a blue one that Bonnie said complemented my eyes. 


That's where I put breaks on the whole thing. I will NOT wear makeup. It makes you look cheap. 'Bonnie, no makeup.' I said, firmly and decisively. ' No buts. ' 'Not even eyelash lengthener/ mascara?' she said pleadingly. Now, I have a phobia of mascara. I will not go near the stuff. It's so gross. 'no, not even mascara. Lets go back now.' I payed, and said to Bonnie ' you want anything?' She wanted to eat at a cafe that had crepes, my favourite. Then we went back to the gym, tired and happy.

-- Later that night--

It was about 9. I and Bonnie were sleeping in the hallway leading to the kitchen, and Ash and clemont were sleeping on the battlegrounds. 

Bonnie whispered in the darkness.' Serena, when will you confess your love for ash?' I didn't know she was still awake. ' i don't know, Bonnie, honestly, I really, really, don't.' I said sadly. 'All I hope is that I do the right thing.'

A/N Hello Frienz! I rewrote so much of this... Omg, I hated some of the language I used... hopefully it's better now. 


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