Chapter 6

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A/N who's excited about Brock and Misty's return! I sure am! Also, clemont has a meowstic now, for reasons that will be revealed later...

Ash's POV 

I feel so bad... I've just made Serena cry. Tears in her beautiful eyes... Beautiful eyes? Wait, what? Where did that come from? 

I decided to go back and tell Bonnie and Clemont what had happened.  They would understand me right? I got up and kicked snow as i walked back. I was not in the best of moods right now.

-time skip to when ash gets back-

'Hey Ash! What hap-.. where is Serena?' asked Bonnie. ' Well, she asked me to be her boyfriend and i turned it down. I mean, I...'


'BONNIE!' yelled Clemont. ' I'M LOCKING YOU IN THE ROOM YOU SHARE WITH ME!' ' But Clemmy...' asked Bonnnie, with her blue, sparkling eyes looking sad. ' I AM NOT CLEMMY! THATS THE LAST STRAW! IN YOU GO!' Clemont said, picking her up with his purple metallic invention, the Aipom Arm. He turned to Ash ' I'll be back in a tick, just gonna go lock up Bonnie. ok?' He said. ' KK' said Ash casually. 

Once Clemont and Bonnie left, Ash just muttered ' I really screwed up. Big time.'

Screen goes black

Clemont came back an very depressed ash. 'Ash, Im not going to do what Bonnie just did, but... I FEEL EXACTLY LIKE SHE DOES, DONT YOU SEE HOW MUCH THIS MEANT TO HER, YOU IDIOT?' Clemont was mad. He really liked Serena, but not in 'that' way. He knew how she felt in alot of things, as specially when it came to something as delicate as love. He knew he wanted Korrina, but that hadn't happened.. Yet...

'Im sorry, Clemont. I know I messed up. Big time. I want to go apologise, but I don't know where sere is...'

'Sere? What kind of thing is that?'

'heh.. nothing..' Ash muttered.

'Anyways, while you were gone, i caught a meowstic!' He said, releasing it. The meowstic was curled in the ball, and as soon as it saw me, barred its teeth.

'Woah, that is one fierce Meowstic!' I said, backing away a little.

'I know right! I caught it since it was snooping around and looking like it could murder us all. We'll have to get braixen back so we can see whats happening in this little ones mind' said Clemont, bending down and attepting to scratch it behind the ears. It flipped around and growled, but then relented and let clemont scratch him. What am i saying, i'm not one to assume genders..

Bonnie thumped the window, then opened it. 'Can we go look for serena now? If i dont remind you guys about her, we're gonna be  here forever! Get your butts movin'!' Yelled Bonnie.

Meowstic used telepathy to tell us, 'what a unique child. What have i let myself in for?'

Me and Clemont just looked at each other, amused.

Serena's POV

' Now, can i tell you?' I said, trying to regain dignity. 'Yes' they all said, heads hanging down. 'Look, i'm sorry i had to yell, but you guys need to get a grip! I know miette has caused problems for us, but we have a problem that is WAY MORE SERIOUS right now. Well, Miette has nothing to do with it. Ash is the one... That hurt me...' I said beginning to siffle again. 'Aww.., don't worry Serena... What did he do?' Asked Sylveon.

Pancham jumped up and yelled ' WE MUST GET  HIM!!!NOW NOW NOW!' Sylveon  blasted a super powerful fairy wind at him, making him fall over. ' Shut.. Up.. You.. IDIOT!' said Sylveon, using her ribbons to whack pancham.

Braixen had been silent for a while. Then she mumbled 'I... I sense some kind of aura... from greninja...' she said weakly 'He... He's... asking where we are... Serena..can i tell him....'

'Sure, Brai, anything to make you seem less sick' I said coming over and putting the back of my palm on her forhead. She was fine.

'Ok... Ok.. Greninja... Just follow the footsteps.... that i left.. Hoping you would come and find us...' And with that, she fainted.

'EEK!' squealed pancham.

'Now what? I can always try to use fairy aura.. But who would i attract? I doubt dedenne would sense anything different..'

'No, greninja will tell Ash where we are, and then we'll be found. Lemme just tell you. Tell Brai later, k? So you know I have a crush on Ash. So i told him, he rejected me, i ran into the forest and, well i found this cave and we stayed here. You know  the  rest.' 

Ash's POV

We were chasing after Greninja, who was dashing ito the forest, Clemont lagging behind as usual.  ' Where i sere..' I muttered and Bonnie squealed. ' YOU GAVE HER A PET NAME!' I just ignored her.

'GRENINJA! WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE YOU GOING!' Bonnie screamed, making him stop running. Suddenly I felt the fammiliar  sense of Mega evolution. Of course, Greninja had to do it  out of battle. AGAIN.

He then used telepathy to tell us what he was doing, and i told Bonnie and Clemont. 'Come ON!' yelled Bonnie again. 'We havn't got all day! LETZ MOVE IT!'

Serena's POV

I heard Bonnie screaming. ' Ohhhh great i gotta hide in here. Return, guys' I said, pulling out the pokeballs.

I shoved myself into a corner. But of course, Greninja had to see me. ' Nin Nin Jaa' He said imdicting at me.

' Good job, you found me.' I said sarcasticly, and then saw the worry in all their eyes. 'I'm.. Sorry..' was all i could mutter. and then Ash sat next to me. I pushed him away, but he just gave me a great big hug. I tensed my body.  He looked down and said. 'No, Sere, i'm the one who should be sorry' He whispered into my ear, gently, kindly. I untensed my body and I put my head on his shoulder, and I cried onto him. He just said... 'I love you sere...' and stroked my hair very gently. Bonnie just awwed in the background.


this took forever, but OMG i loved writing the end part! FINALLY i can start to write the romantic part! AND i need a title. Any suggestions? Anyways bye, imma go get a head start on the next Chappie!


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