Chapter 9

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I looked down and saw the beautiful forests beneath me. I stared so hard i nearly fell. Luckily ash Ash caught me just in time and caught me. He gave me a peck on the back of my head and Charizard grunted in reply. He blew fire and burnt some if the trees. The trees burnt were a question. "Whawt awe yoe dulng?" of course, Charizard can't get a perfect flamethrower and it was really just what are you doing.

Ash patted charizard and said 'oh, I'm in a relationship now, Charizard! It will be good.' again charizard grunted and did a sausage roll. 'Gosh darn it, Charizard! Help me out here by benibg a good fire Dragon.' said Ash, while giving him a playful little  slap.

'Ash. We're nearly there. ' i said, adjusting my ribbons to make them look more tidy. He indicated for Charizard to land near the bottom of Lumiose tower. He returned charizard and picked me up, bridal style.

'put me down, silly, we're in public!' i hissed at him. He only laughed and carried me to a cafe, where apparently we would eat. 'well thanks Ash, now PUT ME DOWN, GOSH DARN IT!' i whisper-yelled at him. 'Fine.' He said, gently lowering me down to my feet. 

'So, do you want to eat now?  Or....' He casually pointed at a funfair. 'Roller coaster?'  A shiver went down my spine. 'Ash? Hello? In this dress? No way! And.. just in case you haven't noticed yet, I am not scared of roller coasters!' I tell him sarcastically. 'Aww, the dress wont be a problem. But the roller coaster? It's not that big! Please?' His eyes reminded me of an eager to please puppy. I wonder if he remembered that he was the one who didn't want to be in the relationship with me. 

'Fine. But not the one with the tiny tracks. One with big tracks is better, even if it does have a loop.' I asked. Strangely enough, he actually looked scared of the one with the loop. 'The... the little one please, ' he said, slightly fearfully. 'fine, fine. Lets go.' I said, loooking at him curiously. Was he really scared of the roller coaster? Personally the roller coaster with the big one looked ok, but the small one looked like it might break. It was fairly straight, without many turns, only a up-and-down track. 

We arrived, and since it was kind of late, about 630, only older teens were here. We actually looked really small compared to majority of them. When we got to the front, after about five minutes, the man said, 'sorry, you have to be 165cm to go on this. You guys are only 150. This track is kind of rickety and we don't want kids too young going on it. You guys can go to the bigger roller coaster, down there.' he said, indicating with his hand. 'ok. thank you, sir.' I said, dragging ash away. 'Well, we're going on the big one. come with me,' i said, dragging him again.

 We got on the ride, and he huddled up into a ball. 'I don't want to do this..' He muttered.

Soon the ride was over, and we sat down. The topsy-turvy ride didn't seem to have affected Ash's appetite, he was moaning about being hungry. He seemed to have cheered up now that the ride was over, too. I wonder why he didn't really enjoy the rides. I mean, some people have phobia of loops, (like me),  but i mean, seriously, the little one looked like it would shatter. Even the man at the front of the line said so.

'Serena?' He said, turning to me. 'Can we go eat dinner now? It's 7:30. When we're done, we can go shopping. I know you  want to go shopping for more showcase dresses, even with that beauty.' He said, tapping my skirt. 'Oh, I can never have enough dresses. I always gotta look my best.' I tell him. 

He took my hand and led me to that cafe we passed before. He went over to a waiter in a very fancy looking suit and tie. 'Table for two, please.' Ash asked while i lingered behind him. Now i was having second thoughts on the dress. I could feel the hems, hand stiched, since you could feel the up and down stiches, were a real pain. I'd have to go home and run it up on mum's sewing machine. 'So, Sere, you want to make this official, right?' He asked me. 'Well.. yes, i know it is a big change, and we need to tell our parents, but of course we should! We could have so much fun! And who knows, one day we could get married and have an adorable little kid like Bonnie! But, the dating and you know, the part before you get married, is really one  of the most memorable times of your life. Ash, we need to enjoy this,' I tell him.

'Ok Sere. May I?' He asked mysteriously. 'May you wha-' I stopped midsentence as i knew what he wanted. Of course, I should have been expecting this. After all, he is Ash Ketchum, most unpredictable person in the universe. I stared at him. 'Ye-Yes, Ash, yo-you can.' I stuttered nervously. 'Well Sere, are you ready?' He said, leaning into  me. 'Of course I'm ready. I've been waiting for this moment my whole life. I will never forget this.' Of course, I was trying to keep a cool outlook, but my inner fangirl, well, it wentberserk. I wanted to get up and bounce around, maybe even scream. I've been waiting for this. I leaned in toward him. Slowly, but not unsurely, more shakey than anything, he leaned closer as well. Before he did it, I shut my eyes, and all of the moments i've had with him flashed before my eyes. The dance party, my eevee evolving in our battle, the ribbon he gave me under the pleding tree, and camp when he fell down the cliff with me.

I took a deep breath and said, 'do it.'

A/N well haha gonna leave u a cliffhanger. But imma go into the next chapter rn. I mean, cmon were you not super excited when you wrote about the first amour kiss in your book? Haha gonna leave u now. Bye guys.

~ peterboy5 

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