Chapter 27

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A/N Wise words from a little girl in a kids game. Hehe...

In Serena and Ash's room

Ash's POV

Its a nice room. Its got all the essentials, but for some reason Serena likes the soap they provided..? I keep hearing happy squeaks coming from the bathroom, and they're definitely hers.

'I love lush way too much!' Came her voice. I peered into the room and saw her sniffing at some rainbow soap. 'Does it smell good, Sere?' I asked, walking over to her and the soap. She nodded and I smelled it. 'Well... Its different.' I said, then taking a tiny bit of product. Very soft. The kind of thing Sere is obsessed with.

'Ok. I'll leave you do your thing in the shower now. I'm going to check on May, Max, Bonnie and Clemont.' I said, walking out the bathroom door. 'See you Ashy!' she squeaked.

' 'Cmon Pikachu.' I called and he bounded after me.


In May's room... Well, she's asleep. And Max is nowhere to be seen. I walked over to her bed and looked down at her. She really hasn't changed, has she? I shook my head as something on her table caught my attention. A note.

I picked it up. "Bai Bai May, you were asleep and I told Clemmy I was going out. I'm trainer, I'll be fine. Max"

I doubt he told Clemont. Well, I better wake May to tell her Max has probably gone off somewhere. Now, pikachu or water? Pikachu. 'Pikachu, Thunderbolt. Gentle now, don't want to be killed by her.' I whispered into his ear. He nodded and did a tiny thunderbolt. She awoke with a jump.

'WHY DID YOU WAKE ME ASH KETCHUM! YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD REASON FOR DOING IT!!!' She yelled. I giggled and said, 'Did you get Max's note?' She shook her head. I folded it into a plane and tossed it at her. She muttered what it said under her breath. 'Dammit Max, he probably ran off somewhere to catch a fairy pokemon. What a pokemon geek.' She shook her head. 'We better go find Clemont.' I said. She nodded and we walked out the door.

When we got there, Clemont was switching TV channels. His head perked up and he said, 'I heard that theres a science show going on right now, and I'm trying to find it.' He kept on pressing a button on the remote. 'You do know where Max and.. looks like Bonnie went with him. You know where they are?' Asked May. He looked surprised. 'I thought Max told you where he was going?' He asked. May shook her head and sighed. 'Now we gotta go after him. Ughhhh.' she moaned. Clemont hung his head and said, 'sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry so-' 'Ok Clem, we get your upset but whats more important is finding those two troublemakers. Lets go get Serena and then we can go.' said May, pacing out the door.

When we got to the door... 'Serena, the soap is soap. It cleans your hands.' I told her. 'I do know. Just I like smelling it. Do you want to smell?' I sighed but May went up to the soap and smelt it. 'Nice!' she said but slowly backed off. She was never the kind to like... Well, soap.

'Sere, please stop. We got a problem. I'm going to confiscate the soap for now.' I said, taking the soap. She gave me the puppy eyes but I shook my head.  'Max has run off with Bonnie. We think their in the forest looking for fairy pokemon.' Said Clemont. 'Again? Their going to get into some big trouble soon. Oh?'

Her tablet rung. She went over and read out, 'showcase is now going to be held in Laverre city, because some performers may take too long to get to Shalour...' she glanced at Clemont who went a little red. 'Ehhh.... oh well, Korrina has to wait.' he sighed. 'Sorry Clem.' I said sympathetically. 'Its ok.' He sighed, shaking his head.

'Ok, so what are we waiting for? First we need to check if Max took anything with him. If he did, it may be a good thing. If he took cash, we can check in at stores he may have went to. Or his pokemon. If he has a flying ty-' I was cut off. 'He has a female pidgeot. TBH, I'm kinda jealous.' May said. 'Ok, then we dont really know where he is now. For all we know, they could have flown off to another region. Not that they would be that idiotic, but it's a possibility. Ok, lets go back and scout.' I declared. We all went to Mays room to look.

Max's POV

'Go Pidgeot! Woohoo!' squealed Bonnie from behind me. 'You're great, Pidgeot. Thanks.' I told him as I patted him.

We're flying over Laverre. 'Soooo pretty! I bet Ash and Serena are jealous. Think how much kissing they would be doing if they were here. Why, they'd be making out!' she giggled when she finished. 'Eeewwww. Please don't tell me the details. I do NOT need to know about other peoples love life. Thank you.' I told her. 'Okie. Then what about your love life, Max?' she teased perkily. I blushed. 'Except for that one kiss you gave me in the cave, I've never actually had anyone kiss me. You?' I asked. 'Nah, me too. Clemmy would kill me if he knew I kissed you. Haha…' She replied. 'Its ok. I won't tell. Oh, by the way, if you see a pokemon you like, then tell me. Ill keep it for you.' I told her. 'Awww, thanks max! I want a. Spritzee. You?' she asked. 'Florges is my favourite. Its got some beautiful flowers. I really want either a blue or white one. Their so pretty! Look, theirs a forest,' I said, pointing my finger down at it. 'Lets go down their and hunt! It looks like an amazing place!'

A/N. I got nothing to say so hi bye.

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