Chapter 17

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Ash's POV

Miette came running up to us. Ah, great, now i got to deal with her clinginess. 'Well, guys, hows it going? And i see some new faces!' She giggled, covering her mouth with her hands and acting like that one cliche teenage girl that is alway clinging to you. Which is what she was, by the way. 'Look Miette.' Said Bonnie, using Dedenne to look threatening. 'Ash and Serena are in a relationship. And. You. Wont. Get. In. The. Way. Of. This. Relationship. You got me?' She growled. 'Oh, pluh-ease, you're just a little girl.' She mocked. 'Ok, Dedenne, let her rip!' She yelled. Dedenne ran up to Miette and she awwed. Then Dedenne used nuzzle. 'Now i know what its like to be para.. Lised...' She said.

'Oh well. What are your names?' She asked Max and May. Max stepped forwards with authority, since after seeing Bonnie annoy miette, he was confident he could do it too. 'Well, I am Max, and this is my big sister May. We travelled with Ash in Hoenn and are here so May can participate in showcases.' He said, while giving off a don't-you-touch-me-or-my-sister air. She nodded impatiently. 'Well, can i come with you to Shalour city?' She asked, somehow going next to me unnoticed. She slipped her hand into mine but i immediately shook it free. 'Miette, didn't you hear Bonnie?' I asked, annoyed. 'Oh, the little one? Why should I? All i want is to be your girlfriend.' She said.

'Girl, you don't know when you're not wanted. Now move away. You are making Ash uncomfortable. And Bonnie is really bright, you should listen to her.' piped up May. Wow, that was a pretty good comeback line. She just laughed again. 'Seriously Miette, we don't want you coming with us.' said Max. 'Humphh, fine. But i expect you to be cheering for me in the showcase. Even if i go against you little girlfriend.'She threatened, walking away with her nose in the air.

'Wow, she's got some nerve, pestering us when it is clear we dont want her.' said May, folding her arms. 'Besides, you better not vote her at all at the showcase. Otherwise she'll cling even more. Belive me, i know from experience.' she shuddered. 'Dont worry May, i'll always vote you!' Said max, embracing her. She smiled.

'Well, do you want to start walking now?' asked Serena. 'Ok. Come on, guys. We need to go.' i tell them. And we set off, Bonnie and Max gabbering off about their goals for when their older, Clemont and May just watching them so that nothing bad happens, and me and Serena holding hands.

Time skip to 4 days later, in annistar city.

Serenas POV

We are currently walking on a cliff and lookking out for the next city, Annistar. 'Look guys!' said Bonnie, running over to the edge. 'BONNIIIEEE!'
Yelled Clemont, running over to her and grabbing her with the aipom arm. He walked back a few steps and set her down. 'Ok, now were good.' he looked up. 'Bonnie! All it was was flock o' pidgeys!' He said, folding his arms.

'Mmm. Those pidgey and pidgeotto remind me of my Pidgeot. Its still in Kanto, defending its flock from a flock of aggressive spearow. One day we'll find each other, im sure.' He said, a little sadness evident in his voice. 'Come on guys, it's only a few miles away.'

And he was right. About 15 minutes later, we were looking at a beautiful view of annistar. Max and May squealed at the beauty of the new town. 'LEETZZZ GOOOOO!' yelled Max. He ran along the cliff and we followed him.

10 minutes later we were in annistar city. 'Finally, some sophistication! Please can we stay over one night?' asked May. We nodded. 'Yes! Pokemon center here we come!'

At the pokemon center, we all checked into rooms. Again, the same arrangements. May was rambling about dresses, fashion and nice spas. All I wanted was another date with Ash. Not in another city, but here. It was pretty nice here.

Keys were given out. Nurse Joy wibked when she gave us ours. She whispered to me. 'Go check out your room. Perfect room for the perfect couple...' I nodded, said thanks, and told everyone to go and look out our rooms.

Ok, so what nurse joy said about the perfect room and couple thing, well, she was right. The room was spacey, but not too big. Just right. The bed hand the perfect matress. Oh, did i say we would be sharing a bed again? The matress aunk in a little but didn't swallow you like some of those other matresses. Its hard to find a good matress. The matress is always to sinky or too hard. Latter more common. Oh, and it had a plainn blue bedspread with white embroidery along the edges.

We had a small sofa that was leather and bouncy. And we had a 12 inch TV. Pretty good for a pokemon center. Normally the screens are 6 inches, if there even is one.

Ok. Don't get me started on the bathroom. That's right, people, we had a bathroom. To ourselves. This is the first time i have ever been in a pokemon center room with our own bathroom. Well... Maybe the second, i thought, thinking back to the room i slept in with ash when Charizard was injured. But that didn't count, since it was a hotel. So it is the first time.

Well, the bathroom had a shower, big enough for 2 grown men. Oh. No, me and ash wont shower together. 

The toilet was one of those toilets that can heat up. Warmmmmm. And rhe sink was made of marble.  Marble sinks at a pokemon center. Wow.

Ash peeped in the bathroom. 'Woah Sere, pretty nice in here, huh?' he said while lookibg around. I nodded. Sleeping in this beauty of a room was going to make for one of the best nights ever.

A/N yes a filler chapter, but i need a break from the excitment. Dnt worry though, for those of you who didn't get the hint, there will be some date-ey interactions next chapter. Anyways, see u!

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