Chapter 26

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At laverre

Serena's POV

I remember the fashion show here! And I still have the Hawlucha dress. Woohoo! Now we are on the streets, walking down to the pokemon center. It's actually quite close. Only 5 minutes away. 

Dancing down the streets, Max was stopping after seeing a new fairy pokemon. Even sylveons, which he's seen before. Mine, for example. But what he seemed most hyped about was Floettes, Florgeses, and flabebe. Seems like he wanted one for himself. Don't blame him, Florges is cool. 

A couple of minutes later, we stopped at the poke center. Grey soft stone, and potted ferns. Suttle and quiet. I like it that way. 

'Check in, May! I want  to go explore! Check in, check in!' max squealed, running around. ' And I thought Bonnie was the hyperactive one...' Muttered Clemont. 'Ok, ok, Max. Calm down.' She said flatly. He jumped around and squealed. 'Max, you're not a little kid anymore. You have pokemon, so stop acting like an overactive four-year-old. I swear, you're never this hyper.' She hissed under her breath. 

'Hey guys, maybe we should sign in now. I don't know about you, but I want to shower.' I moaned out the last bit. Ash smiled a little and took me into the center. 'Hey there, how can I help you today?' A nurse joy called from the counter. We walked over.

'Well, we'd love three rooms. All of them for two.' I spoke up. She nodded and went into a little back room. 'This might take a bit.' The wigglytuff sprung up and chased her, but tripped over his own feet. 'Wigglytuff!' It waved back quickly and dashed into the room.

We shook our heads. That Wigglytuff looked like a handful. 'Sooo... Wacha wanna do while we wait?' Ash asked. 'I don't know. Well, we're alone, so we can do something together?' I said quietly. 'Ok. Come on.' He said, taking me over to the couch. 'Ash, If you want to kiss me, do it later. I don't want the others coming in and seeing us.' I told him. He nodded and continued taking me to the couch.

We sat down and I began to speak. 'So Ash, what are you're plans for the Kalos league?' I asked him. 'Serena, you know me better than anyone else. Pikachu doesn't count cause he's a Pokemon. You're the person closest to me. And let me ask you this. Do I ever plan?' He asked me. I shook my head and he continued, 'No. No, I don't. So no, I dont have a plan. What about you're performances?' He asked. 'Well, I showed you Sylveon's performance. That's what I plan on doing. Or I could use Braixen, then use flamethrower and pshchic, then doing a sparky performance. Perhaps coordinate a dance wi-' I was cut off to nurse Joy coming into the room. 'Here's you're keys! Hope you like them! You have rooms 63, 64 and 65. I reccomend room 65 for you two.' She said winking. 'Tell me if you need anything. I'm al-'

The door crashed open. 'MAXXXX!' May's voice went shrill as she screamed at him. Nurse Joy shook her head a little and May bung her head on a wall.  ' Why you embarass me huh?' May whispered. 'Sowwy May...' Max said, still sounding excited. He turned to Ash. 'Did you sign us in?' He asked. 'Yep.' 'Yay! Key, please.' Ash handed over the key to room 63. 'Byeee!' He said, dashing up the stairs. 'Good lord, he's driving me mad. He's never this hyper. Someone save me... I gotta chase him now. Someone help me with him later. Bonnie, you guys can go and be hyper together. See you soon.' She said, beginning to walk up the stairs. We followed, eager to settle in.


Time skip, 330 in the afternoon.

Max's POV

We're done settling in, but I'm still hyper. May made me sit in a corner for fifteen minutes after we got here, because apparently I was too hyper. But who isn't excited?! It's a new type, for Arceus' sake! I squealed on the inside and did tiny jumps. May was on her bed and lying on her side. Not moving. Asleep?

'May' I called. 'May.' 'May.' 'May!' 'MAY! Are you there?!' I asked, running up to her and pounching on her. She was asleep. 'Pff. She's such a deep sleeper she won't wake up unless I chuck water on her and get into trouble. but why do that when you can sneak out and catch fairy pokemon? Yeah, I think  I'll get bonnie and tell Clemmy that I'm going out.' I muttered.

 I took a piece of paper from a countertop and wrote, "bai bai May, you were asleep and I told Clemmy I was going out. I'm a trainer, I'll be fine. Max. " In my very best cursive handwriting, then made sure I had all my pokeballs and left the room. Not before taking some of my money, though.


Now I'm in Bonnie and Clemmy's room. Bonnie is tickling Dedenne and giggling while Clemmy walked around and tidyed up. Bonnie sprung up as soon as she saw me. 'YAY! BONNIE NO LONGER ALONEEEE!' She squeaked. 'Ok, you know I'm here, right, Bonnie.' Came a irritated Clemmy voice. 'BUT I'M BEING IGNORED. NOTICE ME SENPAI!' 'Leave me alone, Bonnie. Really.' He groaned. She nodded her head and said, 'Bye Clemmy.' She said, then beckoned to me to tell me to leave and we left.

Outside she asked me, 'so where are we going, Max?' 'hehe... I was meant to tell Clemmy where we are going butttt.... No, that wouldn't be fun. Now we can fly on pidgeot and have lots of fun. We have some money so we can go to one of those fancy dessert restraunts when we're done hunting for fairy pokemon. Come on Bonnie, we got to get out of here before the others realise they don't know where we are.' I whispered the last part and we took off runnning.


Don't kill me. Don't. I haven't had internet for a bit now, soooooo..... I'm lagging alot and it takes a couple of hours to write... And I rushed this, because at the end I got a sudden burst of wifi, so I had to finish before the wifi left me. But now I rlly need to publish this... So Bye.


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