Chapter 4

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We were on the road to snowbell city. 'So cold...' Bonnie shivered. 'Bonnie, you got to be kidding me! You have a hat and a scarf, I have a scarf, Ash has a scarf, and Serena only has mittens! Bonnie, be grateful for what you have.' Clement preached. 'Fine, Clemmy....' Bonnie grumbled. 'I seriously think I should get used to being called Clemmy now...' Clemont muttered. 

'I can go without my mittens. Bonnie, you can have them.' I took off my mittens and give them to Bonnie. I always carry extra snow stuff, because this always happens. I dropped my bag on the floor and pulled out a spare scarf. I wrapped the warm, fluffy pink scarf around my neck.  'Come on, Serena. We only have fifteen minutes' said Clemont, glancing at his watch. 

I hurry along after ash, who is saying something about being excited for the showcase. When we did arrive, I had five minutes to change and register. Luckily, I was one of the last people to go on, so I had plenty of time to change and fuss over my pokemon.

In the changing room, I said, 'ok, guys! I will be using Pancham and Braixen for this round. Syl-' I was cut off by Shauna yelling ' SERENA!' I flick my head round to see Shauna running towards me, with the biggest grin I've ever seen on her face. Bulbasaur was chasing her, panting heavily. It was obviously hot, though how it could be in this weather I don't know. 'Hi, Shauna! What have you and Bulbasaur be doing today?' i asked while putting on everyone's showcase outfits. ' I will be winning my last Princess Key! How about you!' Shauna exclaims with much enthusiasm. 'Cool! I still need two, but soon I will only need one more key! Mark my words!!' I laugh while fondling Sylveon's feelers lovingly.

Someone's head popped round the door. 'Miss Sasha, Miss Jessalie, and Miss Shauna, it is soon going to be your turn! Please get ready! I will come and tell you when you need to go onto the stage!' She said, chirping quietly. 'Well, Serena, I'll be going to dress Bulbasaur now! See you, and wish me luck!' Said Shauna, excitedly. And with that she bounded away, with Bulbasaur at her feet, still panting.

'Hey, Serena. Haven't changed yet?' Said a cocky voice. Miette. 'Yes, I haven't changed yet. I'm about to. Bye, Miette!' I said, choking on her name.

She walked off, nose in the air.

'Guys, I'm going to change. Get into you poke balls, please.' I hold out my poke balls and they disappear into them. Then I dash into the changing room. I have 2 dresses in my bag, my normal showcase outfit, and the new blue dress me and bonnie bought yesterday. Well, it's never too late to change, I thought to myself, and pull the pretty blue dress over my head. 'Now we can watch the showcase!' I squeak.

--Time skip to when it's serena's turn in the finals for this contest--

'Now, we have mamouiselle Serena, mamouiselle Miette, and mamouiselle Patricia for the last round! Mamouiselle Miette, would you go first?' Asked Pierre. 'Yes, sir.' She said demurely.'  (I will skip this since I am too lazy to see what they all actually do, this is an amour story after all!)

Now that we have seen everybody in this round's performance, please cast your votes!' Yelled Pierre. 'SERENA!' Yell ash, bonnie, and clemont. I nervously await the final juspdgement. I shut my eyes, hardly daring to breathe. 'And the winner is, mamouiselle serena! Please receive the key from klefkei.' Klefkei came flying towards me. I plucked the key from the ring and glanced at it proudly. I held it up in the air and yelled, "Thank you!" And everyone cheered.

--after the round--

'Wow, Serena! You won!" said Bonnie, giddily. 'Yeah! Serena, also why didn't you wear your normal showcase outfit? I've never seen that dress before!' Asked ash curiously, tilting his head to the side. I giggled nervously. He is so cute when he does that. 'We got that dress yesterday when we were shopping!' Exclaimed bonnie, excitedly. 'Don't you think it's cute?' She asked.

Ash turned his head away. ' it's cute' he muttered. Then bonnie shivered. It was still cold, but I didn't notice it since I was feeling hot with love.

'Ash, please may I talk to you in private?' I ask. I shot bonnie a meaningful look. She knew what I was about to do.

'Sure'  said Ash.' But where?' ' in the middle of the forest.' I say. ' sure. I'll come. You guys stay here, I need to see what this is about.' He said to Bonnie and clemont.

'Sure.' They say simultaneously. 

We walk I told the forest silently. Once we get to two fallen logs facing each other, I motion for ash to it down.

 There was an awkward silence for a few minutes. Then I said, 'Ash, I love you.' He looked surprised. Then he looked at me, as though he knew what he was about to say would hurt me.

'Serena, I love you too, but not like that. I love you as a friend.' He said quietly. 

I ran into the forest, crying.

(A/N) The ship sunk, but don't give up on it yet! Enjoy this cliffhanger( idk if it's a cliffhanger but wutever lel) BAI guys, see you soon!)

Word count: 909

A/N Hie again Frienz! I had to rewrite at least three paragraphs because they didn't make sense XD I had no idea what they meant... I hope they weren't inportant cuz then I would have massive plotholes to fill...

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