Chapter 24

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Time skip to night.

'So... Who's going to sleep where?' I asked. 'You guys do have a tent, right?' I asked May and Max. They nodded.

Unfortunately, we were camping out. In a forest. I'm not very good with forests. 'Well, I want to sleep with Max. I am not letting him sneak off again.' May said. 'Ok, then we know what to do right?' asked Ash. Everyone nodded and we went to set up the tents.

Me and Ash found a nice spot in the middle of a clearing. The others said they didn't want to risk it with the roots, so we went by ourselves. There wern't many roots. Besides, we were in the middle of the clearing.

The tent wasn't too hard to set up. Once we finished, Ash asked 'you wanna.. You know, change in the tent?' I nodded and slid into the tent. I changed into normal pyjamas. But for extra charm, I put on the bow that, to be honest, i don't really like. Oh well, at least Ash likes it.

I walked out and Ash was already changed. Smirking a little, i brought out the sleeping bags. Setting them up was pretty quick.

We didn't feel like bed so we sat outside, talking. About everything. We decided to try and come up with a ship name for Clemont and Korrina. 'So.. Something significant about Korrina. Her lucario? She's a gymleader?' Ash asked. I answered with a shake of my head and answered 'Her.. Rollerblades! Maybe... Roller? Nah, Blade? yeah, that sounds a bit better, now let's see for Clemont. He likes machinery... But machineblade don't sound right.' 'How about... Laserblade?' Ash asked thoughtfully.'Perfect!' i said, proceeding to give him a kiss. He smiled and leaned in a little.

We held the kiss for a few moments. This one was more rewarding. Once we broke apart, he smiled. Little did we know that someone was spying... Or people, should i say...

Bonnies POV

'Hehe... i'm so evil... tasty romance...' I mumbled, peering into the "empty" clearing. 'Ash and Serena, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!' May fangirled quietly. 'I don't like my ship name...' Mumbled Clemmy. Oh, right, i forgot to mention that i got Clemmy, Max, and May to come spy with me. 'Worth it, right?' I asked to no one in particular. May nodded her head, Max kept on staring and Big Brother said 'i feel like we're invading privacy, Bon...' His voice tailed off as he caught Serena looking towards us. 'aw no...' I muttered. She stood up and picked Ash up. 'Aw, no, runnnnnn!' I hissed. We scuttled away.

'Oh no you don't.' Ash said angrily. Serena wasn't with him. 'Look at me. No, you're not invisible. Really, guys? What were you thinking, sneaking up on us?' Ash asked, agitated. 'You do know that Serena is absolutley motrified and in a terrifeid ball, curled up like a skitty,  in the tent. Not crying, but I can tell she wants too. Can't say I blame her. I mean, come on guys, you know It's embarrasing!' He raged, but kept his voice down. His eyes fell upon me. Frowning, he said dangerously, 'Bonnie... what did you do now?' 'Nothing.' I said innocently. He sighed. 'Fine, i can see i won't get anything out of you. You better think of something to say to Serena tomorrow. Now, let me go. Back to your tents, now. I don't want to catch you out here, or i'm having Pikachu use thunderbolt on you. Go now.' Ash said sternly, almost like a teacher. Nodding, we ran off, terrified.

Serena's POV

Ahh... Did i overeact? Their gonna see me kiss Ash sooner or later, right? Bonnie... She's just despret for romance. I opened my eyes and saw my blanket off me, the tent flap half-zipped and  a note was next to me, saying:

I went to confront them, be back soon. XX Ash.

I felt a blush creeping up my face. xx? I know that friends do that all the time at the end of notes or letters, but this was... Different. In me and Ash's relationship, I feel that somethimes Ash is a bit wierded out by my love for him. Well, now I know that he really does love me. I know he did before, just this is proof. A happy tear rolled down my face and i quickly wiped it away. I tucked it into my backpack and returned to my ball of lonlieness. 


Five minutes later, I heard the unzipping of the tent flap. 'Hey Sere.' Ash's voice called gently. 'I'm sorry about what happened.' He whispered, zipping the tent flap up again. I felt a tear roll down my cheek at Ash's kindness. 'Please don't cry, Sere...' He said, coming over and wiping the tear away. I just felt something inside me click and suddenly I lost it. I threw myself into Ash's arms and cried. He looked like he didn't know what to do, so he just hugged me and whispered conforting things into my ear. They didn't help. They just made me cry more.


When i stopped crying, Ash asked 'Tell me whats wrong.' 'It-ts just so... It-ts just I'm s-so lucky to have y-you,  Ash...' I said in between sniffs. 'Tell me why you're crying, please sere...' He said, hugging me. 'Im just so embarrassed... About what's going to happen, you know... ' 'But Sere, it's fine, they think it's cute.' he said.  I nodded a little. 'so they think it's ok?' 'Yes' I yawned and muttered, 'lets sort this out tomorrow.' He nodded and climbed into his sleeping bag. I did the same thing.

Once we were in our sleeping bags, i gave a not so contented sigh. Ash was on the other side of the tent. He smirked and brought himself over along with his blanket and got back in his sleeping bag. Giggling, we fell asleep.

A/N I feel i failed this chapter a little. Wasn't as emotional as i wanted it to be. Oh well. See u soon.


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