Chapter 20

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The next day, Rebecca had breakfast with us, then left in a cab to go to her mum's. She needed a change of clothes and to spend time with her family. I told her I would meet her there after a while. I needed to thank her parents and brother for coming to the services and helping with the entire process. They were so patient and were there every step of the way.

I asked Marcus if he would like to go with me, but he declined. He said he was thinking about going a trip. Whilst he couldn't bear to live elsewhere, he also needed a break from the constant reminder. He said he can't take the familiarity and expecting my mum to be there when he walks into a room.

I offered him my home in Missouri and he said that he will definitely visit, but for now, just needs the time to himself. I told him I understand and to just let me know that he's ok when he gets to where he's going. He agreed, then walked up the stairs and when he came down, he was carrying a large suitcase. He set a piece of paper in front of me and told me to call the number on the page when I was ready to go back to America. His nephew agreed to stay and watch the house until he gets back. He grabbed his phone and keys, then kissed me on the head and told me he will only be a phone call away if I should ever need him. He walked out the door and I heard his car start up and drive away. Now, I felt truly alone.

Not wanting to be in this house alone any longer, I took a shower, called a cab, then got ready to meet Rebecca.

When I got to her mum's house, the whole family was there. I was greeted with hugs and kisses on my cheeks. It felt a little like home, because these people also raised me. Her dad taught me to drive when I was 17. Her brother tutored me in maths when I was 13. Her mum kept my favourite biscuits in a tin, separate from everyone else's and threatened anyone that dared to touch them. These people have been my family since I was 7, even through the disagreements and tears. I was glad to have them.

We sat around and drank tea, whilst they told me what was going on in their lives since the last time I visited.
They were careful not to pry too much into my personal life, knowing that I've kept it hidden from Rebecca. They were not happy about my leaving her, but they have always respected my wishes and kept schtum about my whereabouts and private life.

We spent several hours laughing, eating and talking about my mum. It was nice to be around the people that have played a huge part in my life and development. I will forever be grateful that fate has sent them to me.

When the time came to wind up our time together, Rebecca asked me if I wanted to stay at her mum's. I agreed to stay with her that night, then go back to mine in the morning.

I stood in her room that night, taking in the comfort and familiarity of it. This room held a million memories; from the desk, where I did my schoolwork, to the bed where we spent all night in each other's arms.

I slipped into the bed and waited for Rebecca to finish her nightly routine, which was almost as extensive as her morning rituals. When she finally came to bed, she scooted herself close to me and pulled my head to her chest, whilst wrapping her arms around me, just like she had done a thousand times when we were kids.

I laid there and reveled in the closeness and comfort that only she could give me until I fell asleep, with the feeling of being complete for the first time in 3 years.

The next morning, we all met at the dining table for breakfast. We ate in a near silence because neither Rebecca, nor her brother were morning people and we knew better than to disturb their peace. Afterwards, Rebecca gathered her luggage and asked her brother to drop us off at mine on his way to work.

When we were ready to go, she opened the door for us to leave and we stepped out to what seemed a million flashing lights. She turned around immediately and covered me with her jacket, then led me to her brother's car. Her brother ran out and packed her luggage in the boot, then hopped in the front to get us out of there.

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