Chapter 1

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The alarm on my phone went off telling me it was time for me to get up. I grumbled under my breath before turning it off. I slowly got up and made my way into the bathroom. I washed off and got dressed. I made a mental note to wash clothes since I was running low on appropriate outfits. Being a big girl means it would be hard for me to find clothes that are good for my size. I can't wear things too tight and revealing since a lot of people are disgusted with my figure. I have to admit I'm not too fond of it either. It makes me ashamed of myself.

I had on a pair of sweatpants and an oversized shirt. It's not very stylish but it's comfortable and it helps me blend into the background. I finished my morning routine and went into the kitchen for breakfast. My roommate and close friend, April was already eating her plate. She too was a big girl but she was one of those confident pretty ones. Anything she wore looked good in my opinion. And no one ever dared step to her crazy about anything since she was so fierce. A lot of times I wish I was like her.

"Hey Kay," she smiled at me. She frowned when she saw my outfit. "Really Kay?"

"I'm comfortable," I mumbled getting a plate.

She sighed. "If only that were true," she mumbled. I didn't comment back. I know she wants me to be more confident in myself. But it's so hard. "How are your classes?"

"They're good. Sucks I'm taking chemistry."

"You do want to be a nurse."

"I know," I pouted. "Why does what I want to do have to deal with science?"

"Life," she shrugged.

"How are your classes?" April was also a nurse major. It's how we met.

"Pretty good. I'm second best in my class," she explained with excitement.

I gasped. "That's great! You deserve it."

"Thanks," she sighed. "All those sleepless nights really paid off. I just got to beat that bitch Rita. Beat her ass into a coma that is."

"Okay," I laughed. "You're going a bit far."

She giggled. "You're right. That was a bit much. You better go before you're late."

"You're right." I quickly finished my food and rushed out of the apartment. The drive to school wasn't so bad. Since it was pretty early and all. I grabbed my bag and hurried to class. The elevator was broken again so I was forced to take the stairs. It was three flights. I was breathing heavily by the time I made it to my class.

"Why do you look like you were running a marathon?" Josh asked. Josh has been my longtime friend since middle school. He was a double major in biomedical engineering and business so we have some similar classes.

"Elevator...broke," I gasped taking a seat next to him. "I'll be...fine." I took a swig of the water I carried with me.

He shook his head. "You should really get in shape. This isn't healthy you know. Aren't you even the little bit embarrassed at the way you are?"

I ignored the sting to my ego. "I'll try." He shook his head at me. I say this all the time and never commit to anything. I'm not particularly proud of my body but I don't know if changing is the best option. I know it's confusing but there's a part of me that's silently fighting against others opinions of me. It's hard to tell if that's a good or bad thing.

"The team looks good this year," I heard someone say. I turned to see who it was but immediately regretted it. Chris Harrison, the 'big' man on campus came strolling into the room. He too was a double major in biological science and business so he too is in a few classes with me. Which is the worst thing imaginable. "Hey Ms. Piggy," he grinned evilly at me. I swallowed the water hard and looked away from him. "I saw the elevator was out of commission again. So you had to take the stairs huh? I'm surprised you made it."

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