Chapter 16

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Chris. He's the cause of many troubles I faced during college. He's the start of poisonous cancer in my life. Chris could have done this before? I can't believe this! I hope this isn't true. I hope that his poison only spread as far as me. Crazy isn't it? I'm actually hoping that Chris only did this to me. Why? Because even if I can't right now, in the future I had planned to forgive him. Not for his sake but for my own. I was planning on waiting until my wounds healed before accepting what happened, forgive him even when he doesn't deserve anything less than a one-way ticket to hell. But if he did this before...I'm not so sure I can do that. Because this time, it's not just me. He hurt Mickey. He hurt Andre and his entire family if he did in fact traumatize her in some way. He prayed on a girl who probably thought the world of him. It really is ironic. If he had done it to her then it's no surprise he would do it to me. She and I are the same in some aspects.

If they went to a party together, does that mean Josh knows? Is that why he sticks so close to Chris even when he knows it's wrong? I don't get it. Why would they do this to people?! What do they gain from ruining the lives of innocent girls?! Why are they the fucking plague?! Are they that sick? Could this have all been planned as some sick joke or game to them?

"What's wrong?" I jumped at the sound of Andre's voice. I was in the living room when he decided to sleep his troubles away.

"Nothing," I quipped. He came up to me and stared me in the face. "W-What?"

"There's a fire in your eyes," he said. "And you look mad as hell."

"I am," I admitted. "After everything we talked about, there's a bunch of questions flying in my head."


"The biggest question would be 'why?' Why would he do this? What would he gain from sexually assaulting his cousin? Was Josh in on it? Why does he enjoy ruining the lives of innocent girls? Like, I feel so many things. Lost, paranoid, disgusted, confused. Did I really know that little about Josh and Chris?" Andre looked taken back a little. "I know I don't know your sister at all but...if he did do it then that means he scarred her so bad her only way out was death. The pain I felt for three years was nothing compared to what she felt. There's no comparing the two if you ask me. I admit, a part of me, the naïve part, was hoping that what he did to me that some way it was all a big mistake. That way in the future it would be easier to forgive and move on but if he did this before then that means there was no mistake. There's no chance of redemption and no chance of forgiving him."

"Calm down," Andre said grabbing my shaking hands. "I have to admit, I'm glad to see that you feel my pain. It makes me glad that I trusted you with this. It's nice to know someone is on my side. But nothing is concrete. Who's to say that he did assault her? At this point it's just a possibility, a very real one, but one nevertheless. Chris and Josh know me well enough to know I do not play when it comes to people close to me. Even as stupid ass kids they knew my sister meant everything to me and I would literally kill for her. I doubt they'd do something that sadistic."

"But you did say you guys fought a lot as kids and from what I could tell they were never a match for you. Even if they concede to you constantly, they may harbor a much larger grudge towards you than you think."

"I thought that too," Andre said. "I guess I'm just hoping I'm right and they're too pussy to do anything like that to Mickey nonetheless."

"How are you so calm about this? They could've raped your sister! Shouldn't you be flipping out?"

He chuckled. "I wish more than anything I could flip out. The only thing I feel is sorrow. Like that was my baby you know? We were so close and told each other everything. I made it my business to always be there to protect her. And this time, I wasn't. I just let her go. She wouldn't even tell me."

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