Chapter 3

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"Girl they are fine," April said staring at her phone.

"Who?" I asked curiously.

"Who else?" She showed me what she was looking at. It was Shawn and Andre on a beach. It looked like they were laughing with each other and the photo was off guard. My eyes lingered on Andre. He surely was fine. "I see you staring hard at your man," she joked.

I blushed. "He's not my man."

"Could've fooled me," she said glancing at my phone. It's been a few weeks since me and Andre have been talking. He's really sweet and funny. We stay texting all day and he's on the phone with me most nights. Only if he's not busy with classes and work.

"We're just friends," I insisted.

"Okay sis," she laughed.

"What's up with you and Shawn?"

She smiled out of habit. She's been like that since they've been talking. "He's cool."

"I see you cheesing," I teased.

"Girl bye," she laughed. I laughed with her. "But seriously, I've never met a guy like him before. He's cocky as hell but really sweet at the same time. He honestly makes me feel like a high school girl with a crush on the school's star football player. It's so embarrassing man."

I giggled. "That's cute. Someone finally got you out of your element."

"Screw you," she chuckled. "It feels weird but it also feels right. You know, I was getting pretty close to giving up on guys. I wasn't going to go full dike or anything it's just...I was getting tired of the same thing. A guy liking me for a little while and then either disappearing or hiding something from me. He's the first guy that I feel like I can trust and no matter how many curve balls I send his way he handles everything with ease." I was a bit surprised by her confession because April is the strong one. She never let anybody get to her, especially guys. "Enough about my sap ass. Since you and Andre have been talking a good bit does that mean he knows?"

"Um...not exactly."

"You can't keep it a secret forever you know. Everyone on campus has something to say. Word is going to get back to him about how Chris treats you. Or at least everyone else's take on the subject and you know their opinions aren't very friendly."

I huffed. "Why does it matter if he knows or not?"

She looked at me crazy. "How about the fact he cares about you? I know it hasn't been long but I can tell. Andre would go apeshit on his bitch ass for you."

"We just met. He would probably think how pathetic I am. I mean look at me, I'm twenty-two years old and can't stand up for myself. Not to Chris or anybody."

"No he wouldn't," she shook her head. "You know how protective I am of you. I wouldn't even let you play with the idea of talking to him if I didn't have faith in him. He's different. I can feel it."

I was quiet because I wasn't sure. Part of me believed he could be different but another part was cautious and afraid. There was a 'ding' noise that caught my attention. I had a text from Andre.

Andre😍: My manager let me go early so I'm free. Wanna hang?

Ever since we started talking he's been wanting to hang out. But with his classes and work and my classes and work, we haven't had any time that worked for us. Now that the opportunity presents itself I'm extremely nervous. I had no idea how to reply. That's when another text came through.

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