Chapter 28

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"Seriously man," I chuckled. "Y'all really plotting against this girl?"

"Damn right," Jules said. "Tia sexy as fuck. Like the naughty librarian in pornos bro."

"Nigga," I laughed. He shrugged before going off to take a phone call. Jules is in the process of opening his own barbershop. He's saved up plenty for it. "You good?" I asked Shawn.

"I'm straight," he shrugged. I narrowed my eyes at him. "You think it's too soon for me and April to move in together?"

"Nope. Y'all been cooling it for a while. Why?"

"I asked April to move with me to San Francisco since that's where I'll be permanently. But she's been back stepping from me and now we're at a crossroad in our relationship."

"Well that is a big step. Not only are you asking her to live with you but you're asking her to move her entire life to be with you. That's a scary thing you know."

"Yeah but I ain't been nothing but honest and loyal to her since we met. I told her numerous times we're forever whether she likes it or not. I'm a man of my word. I really see myself with April and I want to go to San Francisco but not without her. It's hard enough now just dating. She's busy, I'm busy, and we can barely talk as is."

"Well don't push her just because you miss her. Let her get her head right."

"I can't believe you're telling me to wait," he chuckled. "If I remember correctly you wanted to propose to Kayla a month in. Like father like son. Ole weird asses."

I laughed. "Yeah but I settled for after graduation so I'm learning to be patient myself.

"What if she says no?"

"No is not an option." He laughed because I was serious as hell. If Kayla says no to my proposal we're going to have to square up. "They should be arriving soon." We were currently waiting at the plane. It's refueling since we moved the takeoff area to California. Kayla, April, and Tia should be landing soon to hop on the plane here to Hawaii. Since there was a good bit of us we decided to fly privately.

"They know about the uninvited guests?"

"Nope." I don't know how, but Steven and Victor got wind of our little getaway trip and now they're flying out with their wives, sons, future daughter-in-laws, Stephanie, and for whatever reason Edna. My parents are busy so they won't be able to make it. So you know shit is going to be real this trip. Essence can't come because her spring break was before ours and she's in school that week. She's still whining about that.

"Don't you think you should tell them?"

"Won't make a difference. They're coming regardless if we want them to or not. We shouldn't let them worry us because I don't know about you, but me and my baby are going to have fun regardless."

"Andre!" Speaking of the devil. Kayla, Tia, and April all came our way with a bunch of bags in tow. Why the hell they packed like we're going on a three month expedition?

"Hey short stuff." I held my arms out and she ran right into them. I chuckled. She always acts like this when we haven't seen each other in a while. It's funny as fuck to me especially when we get closer to seeing each other. She be so damn miserable and when I get ready to leave she's always close to tears saying she doesn't want me to go. It takes a lot to get her to finally let me go and even then she'll pretend to have an attitude. "Who the hell going to carry all these damn bags you got?" I raised my brow to her.

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