Chapter 2

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"Girl my brain is about to explode," April complained. "All this studying is killing my brain cells."

"I guess we can take a break," I sighed. My brain was killing me too. Too many vocabulary words and too many formulas to remember. My neck was stiff and my back was killing me. "It's way too early for tests," I complained.

"Right," she agreed. She closed her books. "Let's go get something to eat. My stomach is crying for nourishment. And it's not good to study on an empty stomach."

"You're right," I smiled. We packed up our things and headed out of the library. "I didn't know it was so late," I glanced at my phone and saw it was past midnight. "The café has been closed for hours by now."

"I guess we'll go to the diner off campus." We went to our cars since she came to our study session late and headed to the small 24-hour restaurant that makes a decent amount since they're so close to campus. We walked in and grabbed a booth near the back. We didn't need menus since we knew what exactly we were getting. "So you think you're going to ace the test?"

"I hope so," I sighed. "It's so hard trying to remember so many things. And the fact I have so little time puts a lot of pressure on me to try and answer as many questions right as possible."

"You seem to get most of the content. Try remembering to do what you know first and then go back on the shaky questions. That's what I was taught and it's always worked for me. I have no doubt you'll kill the test."

"Thanks, April," I smiled. I'm so glad to have her in my life. She's my support system as well as a close friend. "So how are things with that guy you were telling me about?"

"Oh that's a done deal," April waved her hand dismissively.

"What? Why? I thought you guys were hitting it off."

"I guess you can say it was never something too serious to begin with. All we did was some light flirting. Come to find out, he already has a fiancé."

"Really?" I said in surprise.

"Really," she nodded. "Another skinny Minnie in fact." She sighed as she played with her drink. "Are all the boys here complete idiots that are obsessed with cardboard shaped girls?"

"I don't know," I said briefly thinking about Josh. I sighed taking a sip of my drink.

"Kayla?" I snapped my attention to the person calling my name. My eyes widened when I saw the guy from a week ago. He was with another guy who had a nose piercing. The guy was about the same height and build but a bit lighter with soft curly hair and dark brown eyes that contrasted with Andre's lighter ones. He smiled as he made his way to our table. "I was hoping I'd see you again."

"Oh uh...hi," I mumbled out nervously. "Andre right?"

"That's right." He pulled up a seat and joined us along with his friend. "This my boy Shawn," he introduced.

"Hi," I waved.

"What's going on beautiful?" He smiled at me and then turned his attention to April. He grinned at her as they began talking.

"So you haven't had any 'falls' lately?" Andre asked.

"N-No," I stuttered nervously. Chris still harasses me to no end but now he keeps his distance. I guess he's scared that if he touches me something else would happen.

"You know I don't believe you fell at all," he said casually.

"B-But I did." He made me so nervous.

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