Chapter 14

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"Mommy!" I cheered walking into the kitchen. I wrapped my arms around her waist. It feels like forever since I've been with her. School and work take up so much of my time that I can't even come home on the weekends.

"Girl when did you get here?" My mom said wrapping her arms around me. My mom and I were the exact same height so I'm sure I'm not growing anymore. She was a plump woman who was very outspoken. She had a kind face but fierce heart and attitude. People often say we could pass for sisters.

"Last night," I smiled as I saw she was making my favorite breakfast.

"Yeah but what time?"

I blushed. "Three," I mumbled.

"What the hell Kayla?"

"I lost track of time mom and left as soon as I could."

"Kayla you know I hate you driving late nights. If it was so late you could've just texted me and left in the morning."

"But I didn't want to miss your breakfast," I whined.

"Girl you're here for a week. You were going to have my breakfast eventually."

"And I want it every day for this week."

"Hard-headed behind child," she mumbled. I sat at the table as she made my plate. "I'm glad to have you home sweetie."

"I'm glad to be here," I smiled. I immediately dove into my food when she sat the plate down. My mom is a bomb a cook. Her food can lift anyone's spirits. I would blame her addictive recipes on my weight but I guess it's in our genes since her entire family is big like this.

"How's everything at school?" she sat across from me at the table.

"Good," I said. "I'm doing really well on all my classes. One of my professors even think I may be the best."

"That's good honey. What about the other stuff?"

"What other stuff?"

"Kayla," she gave me a look. "I'm your mother. I know when something's bothering you. You've been very withdrawn and I knew something had been bothering you for weeks."

"Well," I hesitated. "I was going through something. But I'm good now. April convinced me to talk to a counselor about my problems. After talking to her I felt so good. I'm finally healing. It took me a long time to figure out what happened with...him did a lot of damage to me. I thought if I didn't bring it up I wouldn't feel the pain. But I was just suffering these past years." She looked at me with sad eyes.

"I'm still so sorry about that baby. I shouldn't have signed that stupid contract in the first place. I thought of myself and the money. Not you. I should have known better then that. Money cannot take the place of a father. I shouldn't have let you suffered like that. I should've chosen someone so much better for you."

"I don't blame you mom. I never did. I always blamed myself. I thought there was something wrong with me. Something had to be wrong for him to go to such lengths to just stay away from me."

"Sweetheart. There's nothing wrong with you. Some people choose what they find most important. I chose wrong the first time and so did he. One day, he'll see that. And this time, you get to choose what'll happen okay? I won't hold your decision against you. I won't even question it. You're grown and you can make your own decisions."

"Thanks momma," I wiped my tears. "Sorry I never told you."

"It's okay baby. I know it was hard to open up your heart after having it broken so bad. I can see you're doing so much better. You're practically glowing. What else has been happening?"

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