Chapter 10

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"Girl I am ready to go," April whined. We took the morning shift in order to make it to Andre's game. "I have to plan the cutest outfit for you," she mumbled.

"Why me?" I laughed.

"Because your bae has to see you slaying boo."

"How many times do I have to tell you he's not my bae?"

"He will be," she sang. Someone cleared their throat and we saw it was our boss doctor. "What's up doc?"

"I see you two are not all that into your work today. How about I just let you go home early?"

"You ain't say nothing but a word. Let's go Kayla before he changes his mind." She grabbed me and we basically sprinted out the door. "Girl it is time to turn up! I'm so lit right now. Since we have a whole extra hour that means more time for me to get your fit together."

"Andre is going to be on the field. It's not like he's going to see me anyway," I mumbled.

"Girl he will see you. Because once the game is over we're going to the after party. I have to get the perfect outfit for that too."

"But I don't want to go to any party," I whined.

"Too bad so sad. You're going. You finally got a hot guy that is completely obsessed with you. Stop worrying so much. With me, Shawn, and Andre the hulk there protecting you, you have nothing to worry about. Got it? Don't sweat the little things."

I sighed. "Okay." April danced in her seat. I think she enjoys dressing me up a bit too much. We got to the apartment and she went straight to my closet. I sat on the bed as she rummaged through my closet.

"Girl, I hate you so much," she came out with a bunch of clothes. She mugged me as she put the pile on my bed. "All these nice ass clothes and shit and you letting them go to waste. I wanna deck you in the eye."

"Sorry," I smiled sheepishly. I admit, the clothes were beyond gorgeous and I want more than anything to wear them. I just get anxiety every time I put an outfit on.

"Whatever. Your mom have great taste. I love all of this. She wanna shop for me too?" I laughed at how serious she was. "This outfit is perfect for now," she showed me the high-waist white jeans and crop top. "With these shoes and I saw you got hella jewelry in there. Ooh we should straighten your hair too. Yes bitch slay. Alright go shower. Your outfit will be ready once you get out. Once you're dressed come to my room so I can flat iron your hair."

"Okay." I went to enjoy a nice long shower. Hot showers are life. Once I was done I got out and got a good look at the outfit April put together.

It was a really cute outfit. The crop top made me cringe a bit but I saved face and put it on. I looked in the mirror and admitted I had curves. Maybe I wasn't as fat as I thought. I saw my pudge but it didn't seem all that bad. The stretch marks kind of ruined it a bit. I turned around and my butt looked huge. Geez, where did all of this come from?

"Look at you checking yourself out," April snickered.

"I was not," I blushed.

"Mhmm. You ain't got to lie Craig." She came in wearing some booty shorts and a crop top. "I forgot you had the better flat iron. Come on girl. Let's get this hair bone straight." I sat down as she straightens my hair. Afterwards we put the last of our things on before heading to the game.

Let me tell you, this place was packed. There was barely any place to park. And traffic was crazy. I was getting road rage and I wasn't even driving. But we eventually found a place and got out. The tailgating was still going on. I was in awe about everything. Literally my first game ever. I wasn't paying attention and ended up bumping into someone. "Sorry," I squeaked quickly.

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