Chapter 23

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These last few days with Kayla and my fam have been pretty peaceful. Nothing but laughs and good vibes. My family took a big liking to Kayla and vice versa. Although, I do catch her in deep thought or looking at us with a longing look. I don't know what happened with her family and I admit I'm more than a little curious to find out about it but I don't want to push her.

But all good times must come to an end. It's Monday of our break now and a certain group of people will be landing shortly to join us in a week of 'fun festive family time'. What joy? Let's hope I don't have to break somebody's face before the break is over.

"I wished it was just us this week," Essence mumbled as we got the guest house ready. With April, Shawn and my brother coming the house is booked solid of rooms. So we have to give them the guest house. Which is cool. We only have to see them in the day time or when we let them in. If it was up to me I'd lock all the doors and windows and let them sleep outside. Or in a hotel that's like two states away. Either one would make me happy.

"At least they'll be in here and not in the house," I sighed while changing the sheets. My parents don't believe in hiring a maid so we do all the cleaning ourselves. Which isn't so bad considering this house is barely used.

"Like that makes it better," she mumbled.

"I'm trying to look on the bright side of things squirt."

"There is no bright side if she's coming. I just know dealing with this lady I'm going to lose what little religion I have."

"You're talking about Edna right? Pops old lady? She couldn't have gotten that bad."

"She's much worse than you remember," she said. "You wouldn't know because you've been so busy. But the few times she's came she's been real snippy and vindictive. She acts like she's the Queen of England and she's always ripping into mom. She's an even bigger dick rider than before."

"That bad huh?"

"You'll see once they arrive." We finished cleaning up and went back to the main house. "Hey Andre." I stopped at the sliding door and looked at her. She smiled at me. "I'm glad you're back."

I chuckled. "Glad to be back kiddo." We walked inside and I was hit in the head by a pillow. "What the fuck yo?!"

"Damn bro, you done got slow with age."

"Jules!" Essence ran to our older brother and jumped on him.

"Hey baby girl," he laughed hugging her back.

"Unwanted bastard," I muttered walking by them.

"I'm adopted nigga. They CHOSE me. You were just an accident."

"Fuck you," I chuckled dapping him up. "Good to have you home bro. You're here a lot earlier than you said you would be. Shawn is going to be pissed."

He chuckled. "Yeah my bad. Wanted to surprise y'all. Where ma? Pops already did his normal shit talking."

"She at the store with Andre girlfriend," Essence said cuddling up next to Jules. She talks a lot of shit about having big brothers but you can tell her spoiled ass loves being up under our asses. I flicked her forehead for being such a blabbermouth.

"Girlfriend?" he raised his brow. "You got a girl and I don't know? The fuck dude?"

"Nigga you was in the army. It just became official. You were coming home so by the time you got the letter you would already know."

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