Chapter 25

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"Ugh! Pick up," I whined. And yet again I was left disappointed because she didn't pick up the phone. "My mommy doesn't love me anymore," I pouted.

"Or she's out getting a man," Essence shrugged.


"Your mom is a grown woman who's been alone most of her life. Maybe she's out seeing somebody."

"B-B-But," I pouted.

"It's okay Kayla," she faked sympathy. "You'll always be number one in Andre's heart."

"Fuck you," I laughed. She laughed with me. "I mean if she does have a secret boyfriend I hope she's happy and okay. It's Thanksgiving Eve and she won't talk to her only daughter. I feel heartbroken."

"She'll call you back I'm sure."

"Yeah," I sighed laying back against the twin bed. "So you and your sister used to share rooms?"

"Yeah. My parents offered to take the bed out but I didn't want them to. Everything on her side is the exact same as she left it and I don't want them messing it up. It's like my own personal memorial of her." I nodded as I looked at the stuffed animals littering the opposite side of the room.

"You must miss her a lot huh?"

"I do miss my sister but I'm at peace knowing she's no longer suffering. At night...I would hear her sobbing in her sleep. I asked her what was wrong but she never told me. I always blamed myself saying how if I had just told mom and dad about it, then maybe she'd be here today."

"Don't do that," I whispered. "Take it from someone who knows. Blaming yourself is only going to take the happiness out of your mind, body and soul. You're just putting yourself through another form of pain worse than what you went through dealing with her death. Take it from me, it's not worth the anguish. It took me twelve years to realize I was doing nothing but torturing myself with guilt that wasn't mines to begin with. Believe me, your sister was going through something and whether you told or not, she would've handled the situation her way. I know she doesn't want you blaming yourself so please, don't."

"Thank you Kayla," she sniffed. "With you, it feels like my sister is back." I smiled a bit, feeling touched. "I know you'll officially be my sister soon enough so I guess that's fitting."

I blushed. "Seriously? What is with y'all and us getting married?" She laughed at my expense.

"Tomorrow is going to be crazy," she sighed. "With Shawn flying in tonight and their brides to be showing up in just a few minutes, I have a feeling all hell is going to break loose."

"I know what you mean," I sighed. The past two days have been awkward and tense. No matter how hard we try it's like there's no relaxing with Josh's people around. I'm especially cautious around his Uncle Victor. There's something creepy about him that rubs me the wrong way.

"Don't worry about whoever it is they're bringing in for Andre," she said. "My brother is completely obsessed with you."

"Oh I'm not worried," I dismissed. Which I'm truly not. I know how much Andre hates that contract and how much he genuinely cares for me. He knows all my deep dark secrets and they didn't scare him off. Not to mention, the talk I had with his mother when I first came here really helped with my self-esteem. I'm not that outspoken but I feel like with time, I'd get there. Be as confident as April.

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