Chapter 30

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Self-control really isn't my strongest traits. I have little to no patience at all in any situation. And in the one situation where I should be blowing up, I was eerily calm. I was mad as hell. But for some reason I wasn't lashing out like I thought I would. It's scary to think you could be so mad and yet in total control over how you react.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Shawn asked. He's been sitting with me for the last couple of hours. He's been worried since I've been so quiet.

"Yeah," I said. I glanced over at Jules who was smoking another blunt. He's been smoking almost all night ever since I told him what happened. The huge stash he brought for the week is almost completely gone. He says it's the only thing he can do to keep from blowing up.

"I know how you feel man. But don't keep this shit locked up inside alright? I don't want y'all getting into any trouble."

"I'm cool." I heard the backdoor sliding open and turned. Kayla was coming out followed by my folks. Mom looked worried but pops seemed to have his game face on.

"What's going on?" pops asked.

"We're having a meeting," I said. "They're arriving shortly."

"What meeting?" Mom asked. Although my mom has her own business, she's the brains of my dad's. Dad is a street dude who didn't know the technical of the major business world so mom helped him along the way. Anything dealing with the business of business she's the first to know what's going on.

"Personal or business?" pops asked.

"Little of both," I took the blunt from Jules. Tia was now out here and was sitting with him keeping him cool. Although April was still sick she was out here too. Kayla seemed a bit worried and kept glancing at me. I grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to me. "I need you to stay by me at all times okay?"

"Okay," she nodded.

"What's going on?" my mom asked again. "Why is everyone so upset?"

"Hun," pops put his hand on her shoulder. "I think we're going to get to that. Let's be patient for now." We all sat quietly for a while. It was pretty agonizing and everyone was on high alert. The doorbell sounded. "I'll get it." Pops left to get it. After a few minutes he came in with our guests. Both of my uncles, aunts, their kids, those girls (unfortunately Stephanie too), Kayla's dad, Edna, and Jones.

"Andre!" Stephanie ran towards me with the upmost happiness. But she was stopped short when Kayla punched her right in the face. "Ah!"

"Bitch I'm getting sick and tired of your ass!" Kayla growled.

"Kayla!" her father roared. "That is your sister!"

"That bitch ain't no sister of mines. The crazy hoe ain't shit to me. And just because you now know my name gives you no right to use it!" We had to restrain Kayla because she looked ready to attack.

"Henry, are you seriously okay with him being with this wild beast?!" Edna shrieked. "She's nothing but violent and rude. Andre is already wild on his own. He needs someone that'll mellow him out."

"First of all, my son is twenty-four. TWENTY-FOUR. Who am I to tell him who in the hell he can or cannot date? We've all accepted Kayla into this family whether you like it or not. And the little stalker deserved more than a damn punch."

"Excuse me?" Greg made a step towards my old man. "I won't stand here and let you disrespect my daughter."

"If you think you can take down a veteran of this country then by all means try it," pops challenged.

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