Chapter 26

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Seeing Kayla pass out like that at dinner really scared the hell out of me. I was ready to take her to the hospital but my mom convinced me she just needed rest. After the news she got she was just in shock. Dinner was of course cut short. Nobody was in the mood for food or any talking once we saw Kayla. Well, some people. Victor and Steven were still trying to talk business with my dad. After a few short words though, they were hush mouthed and out of the house. The girls were forced to go to a hotel rather than stay at our place. No one tried to argue with my dad.

"She's going to be okay lil bro," Jules said patting my back. "She's strong. She'll get through this."

"Yeah," I muttered. I know she's strong. But some things are just too big and bad to handle. She already dealt with the pain of losing her father before she had him and now he's crashed his way back into her life. I swear, I'm going to kill somebody if-

"Andre?" I heard a soft voice call out. I turned around in my seat in the living room and there was Kayla. She looked absolutely exhausted and looked like she could burst into tears any minute.

"How you feeling baby girl?" I got up to meet her halfway. She didn't say anything and just started crying. I rubbed her back and led her back to her room. It was late so most of everyone was asleep but we needed as much privacy as we could get. "It's okay baby. Just let it out."

"I seriously think someone is turning my life into some big soap opera," she sniffed. "Am I just entertainment for somebody out there? Is that why whenever I make three steps forward I get pushed tens steps back? I was finally happy. I was finally feeling free and now...I just got thrown back into that deep dark hole I was put into when I was ten. Why does he have to be here? Why do you have to be in a proposal with her? Why-"

"Stop it," I said sternly. "First off, I'm not in a proposal with her. I'm in a relationship with you. I want you. You're mines and I am yours. Got it? Don't let this man ruin everything you worked so hard to obtain. I understand you've hit more than a few bumps in the road and seen more than a few bad days. But that only means once you trek through it you'll see nothing but sunny skies."

She sniffed and wiped her eyes. "I-Is it wrong I still want him in my life? That I still...want a dad."

"No. Everyone needs and wants a father. You're no different."

"Am I just stupid then? Like why? All those things he said to me when I was little. All those things he said to my mother. He gave up on me before he even gave me a chance," she ranted, suddenly getting angry. "Why?! Why can't I fucking hate him?! Why do I have to envy them?! Why Andre?!"

"Because your heart is too kind to hate. Even after what Josh and Chris put you through you could never bring yourself to hate them. That doesn't mean something is wrong with you. Hate is what holds people back. You will always move forward because you found a different path to take when it comes to your enemies and those who have wronged you. Don't stoop down just to force hatred into your heart. Keep taking the high road." I think she listened to the advice I gave her. Or at least heard what I said. She cried most of the night and I held her and let her vent. It pained me to see her this way.


When I woke up I felt like pure grade A shit. My head and throat were hurting so bad and I was a bit grumpy. Andre was still asleep so I carefully got out of bed. Even though I feel like crap, I should keep my promise in helping Mrs. Jackson prepare today's feast. I washed up and tried making myself look as normal as possible before going to the kitchen. Mrs. Jackson, a tired Essence, and April were all busying themselves in the kitchen. They stopped when I entered though.

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