Chapter 15

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I knew this question was coming sooner or later. It shouldn't surprise me she wanted to know more about me. But that didn't stop me from not wanting to tell her or at least waiting a little while before I do. Kayla is really special to me and I don't want my past or anything to scare her off. I may come off as the tough guy but everyone has their own insecurities and my past is my biggest one. Part of me didn't want to open up but I knew that wouldn't be fair.

"It's a pretty long story," I rubbed my neck.

"I have time," she said softly. "I don't want to push you and talk about something that might be too painful."

"No," I said. "You opened up to me about what happened. It's only right I show you the same respect." I sighed again. "I guess it'll only make sense if I start with my peoples."

"Well for one, my dad and his two brothers were in poverty. They were being raised by a single mother who worked three jobs so she was almost never home. My dad was the oldest so he had to pick up the slack. He basically gave up everything to help my grandmother out. He worked hard and helped put his brothers through school." My fist clenched as anger coursed through me. "But those ungrateful fuckers didn't deserve it. They found some rich girlfriends and ran the fuck away. Left my dad broke and struggling. It was my mom who helped him. They were friends at first who came from the same place but since she held him down they became more."

"With barely a high school education he had very little options. Things got worse when they found out I was coming. My mom was in school and my pops was working dead end jobs. They did what they could for me. The only thing my dad could do was join the military. They got married young so whatever money he would make could help out."

"What about your uncles?" She asked softly.

"They turned their backs on him." I felt the anger building. "They did everything for their mom but she wasn't the only one out there making moves for them. He gave up his opportunities so they could have theirs. And they just pissed on his sacrifice. They looked down on him because...he married my mom. Said he should've married someone with money and not some hood rat." Kayla grabbed my arm since I was shaking out of anger.

"I grew up rough as a kid. My dad was never around so I was hardheaded and gave my mom trouble. Made dumb decisions. I had-have a temper problem. That's something I can admit. I'm better at it now but back then I was always in trouble. My mom had a hard time controlling me. So I was sent to live with my grandmother on her side for a little while. Old or not that woman was scary," I chuckled. "She was the only one I opened up to. I was really just missing my pops. I just wanted us to be a family. She convinced me the next time I saw him I would tell him."

"And you did?"

"Yeah. He made a promise to go back to school and be home more after his tour or whatever. He was in the army until I was about twelve and did get his degrees. He got injured and was forced to be discharged. Seeing how he was towards my mom stuck with me. You can blame the crazy on him."

She smiled a bit. "But what happened between you, Chris, and Josh?"

I thought my jaw was going to break with how hard I gritted my teeth. "We never grew up together. We all lived in different states when we were younger. But they were together more since they could afford it. The first time I met them was when I went to visit my dad's mom. Apparently, she wanted to meet me or some shit. The only reason I agreed to go was because my other grandmother had just died. I was hurting about it because that was my rock for real. My parents needed time to grieve and I was hoping that my other grandmother would be like the one I grew up with." I clenched my fists. "She wasn't. She was completely different in every sense of the word. My maternal grandmother was so sweet and humble. My dad's mom, she let the money control her. She put everyone above me, including Chris and Josh. In turn they became a bunch of entitled rich kids that really rubbed me the wrong way. I don't think anyone really expected me there. Their parents talked mad shit about me and my folks. Then Chris and Josh would find themselves trying to bully me about my mom. I didn't play about my mom so that was the first time I kicked their asses. Ever since then I've had a strong dislike for them."

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