Chapter 8

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I was a bit nervous about this. I've never really opened up about myself to anyone before. It made me scared and paranoid a bit. But I promised I was going to give it a try. So I couldn't just back down. That and if I did April would probably try to fight me. "Hi," I walked up to the desk nervously. "I'm here to see Dr. Jacobson. My name's Jakayla Brown."

"Ah yes, she's in her office. Third door on the left. You can go ahead back there."

I nodded and followed her directions. I came to the door and knocked. "Come in." I opened it and the room was like any professor's office. I was kind of expecting one of those long leather couches. "You must be Kayla." I looked up at the woman April referred me to. She was a bit tall and lanky woman with big thick hair and giant reading glasses.

"Uh yes," I walked in. "Nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mines," she shook my hand. I took a seat and glanced around nervously. "April has told me a lot about you," she smiled. "She's a true friend that cares about you."

"Yeah. Did she...tell you anything?"

"Some things but I want to hear from you. What has been going on with you?"

"Well, it's kind of a lot."

"Well we have plenty of time."

I took in a deep breath. "Okay. Well, recently I met this nice guy. His name is Andre. He comforted me ordeal. Then a few days later we met again at a diner and he asked for my number. We went on like a double date, sort of, and my childhood friend was there. With someone else that wasn't a really nice person. It freaked me out to learn they were all related and I had no idea how to handle the situation. Whenever things get messy and difficult I tend to run away. When my childhood friend contacted me he told me a lot of disturbing things about the new guy."

"Which were?"

"How he's dangerous and moody and all this other stuff. I was already paranoid about the entire situation because I felt so...I don't know. Attached? I think that's the word. I got attached to Andre. He scared me but interested me all the same. I felt something so different with him. It was frightening how fast everything happened because that kind of thing never happened to me before. So when Josh told me that he was dangerous I was just kicked into paranoia overdrive. I made a big mistake in cutting the guy off but at the time I thought it was right."

"Tell me about this childhood friend of yours."

"Josh and I met in middle school. I was really shy and he was pretty popular. When some kids were picking on me he stepped in to help. He would come around being nice to me and protecting me. I've never gotten that type of attention before so I was really happy. I finally felt like I was worth something. As we got older we got closer. We even planned to go to the same college together so he can protect me forever." I smiled at us from back then. Then frowned once things started changing. "Senior year was hard. He was going through a hard time with his family. He couldn't go to the college we chose so I decided to go with him. I thought he'd be happy but he wasn't. He tried changing my mind but I didn't want to be separated from him. I know this place prided itself on the elite and only the elite attending. But I was willing to come here because I didn't want to be separated from my only friend. I didn't know why he felt so strongly about it at the time. I thought he didn't want me to feel obligated in changing schools because of him."

"You don't think that way anymore?"

I shook my head. "I kind of think the reason has to do with Chris."

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