Chapter 21

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Even though I started out coming here nervous, I was actually pretty calm now. Essence was full of life and she was really funny. I found myself being very comfortable with her and vice versa. Like now, Andre was off somewhere on the phone while we have our bonding moment. "You have a boyfriend?" I asked with a smile.

"Well...kind of," she laughed. "We're just...testing the waters."

"Are you in the same class? Is that how you met?"

"Well no. He's actually in college," she blushed. "That's why it's a secret. I know how my dad and brothers are. They're really protective."

"How old is he?"

"Twenty. But I'm only 17 so it's okay...right?"

"Well," I mumbled. "I've never been in your situation before. I would say keep it friendly because trust me, I know how college life could be. I mean, I'm not saying he doesn't like you or anything. I would just be cautious. You hear all those stories about college changing you and most of the time you brush it off. It's not a rumor or a myth you know. I know from experience."

"I know. I honestly didn't give him the time of day at first. Like what college kid wants to deal with someone in high school? But he's not all that bad I guess." I was happy to have this type of conversation with her. With me being the only child I could never have these kinds of talk with a sibling. "So you lost someone to college huh? Must've been rough. Was it a boyfriend?"

"No," I chuckled. "Nothing special like that. I guess I wouldn't say I lost them per se. I just found out some truths I didn't want to be true about them. I guess I knew for a long time they weren't who I thought they were. I just became ignorant to it and desperate to keep the memory of them alive."

"I know how it feels," she whispered. "How close you and my brother are, I'm sure you know about our sister Mickey?"

"He told me."

"She was my best friend growing up. I mean the Jackson kids were all best friends of course but being my big sister meant I had someone to always look up to. I had someone to always play with and someone to talk to about everything. Even though my loss is different from yours, I still know how it feels." I placed my hand on her shoulder to give her some comfort. "Enough about this sad stuff, how'd you and my brother meet?"

"Well, I wasn't in the best condition," I chuckled a bit. "I was in a very low place in my life and somehow, he helped raise me up. He really proved how much he cared about me in the short months I knew him. It's only been three months but it feels like a lifetime. Lot of drama but there were also good times."

"Awe that's cute," she smiled. "You guys make a good couple. He seems genuinely happy with you. Ever since Mickey-" she stopped talking and looked off at a picture. I looked too and noticed the picture of a chubby faced girl smiling brightly at the camera. "When she died, it's like part of him died too." Tears were in her eyes so I hugged her. She shed a few tears before pulling away with a smile. "But I can see he's really coming back around. Thank you."

"I don't think it's all me," I mumbled nervously.

"Oh trust me," Essence giggled. "It is. I believe it's that big booty of yours too."

"What?" my face was hot as hell. She laughed at me. "We're not doing that! Honest."

"Mhmm. Okay. If you say so." Just as I was about to try my best and persuade her into knowing that I was not sleeping with him, Andre walked back in the room.

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