Chapter 29

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"Bitch you are so full of shit," April said. We just landed and Tia is trying to convince us she did not like Jules and that going to the bathroom with him wasn't going to end the way we all thought.

"I don't care if you believe me or not," she mumbled. She claims she went there to give Jules blue balls for a majority of the plane ride. We know better than that. "Besides, I just got out of my relationship. I'm not some hoe that's going to jump in another person's bed so soon."

"Ugh I hate that," April grumbled. "Since when did moving on had to take a certain amount of time? If you move on then move the fuck on. Not everybody needs to take an eight month break before dating again."

"Right," I nodded. "No one ever comes for guys who would literally have sex the next day you break up."

"Are we going to hear another one of your feminist debates?" Shawn groaned. "I love you guys, I really do but can we pause the double standards debate for later. I'm tired as shit and need a break."

"Whatever dude," I giggled. I looked around the airport in excitement. We're here! We're actually in Hawaii! Bitch it's lit! "Babe where are we?"

"Kauai," he said getting the bags. "They should be somewhere in Honolulu so we're good."

"Damn," April muttered. "They took Honolulu from us. I really wanted to go there."

"Trust me," Andre smirked. "You won't regret it once you see where we're staying." We all had to ride in multiple cars since there was a lot of us and a lot of luggage. The scenery was so beautiful. I gushed at everything and took so many pictures and we hadn't even done anything yet. Andre laughed at me but I didn't care. I flipped my shit when we came to the place we'd be staying at.

"Awe shit!" I screamed hopping out the car. "April! Bitch we got a beach house!"

"Dead ass!" April hopped out with Tia and all of us book it inside. We were running around screaming, cussing, and caring on while the guys just laughed at us.

"Y'all so damn ghetto," Shawn laughed while holding his stomach.

"Hell yeah bro," Jules chuckled. "Wait until they see the-"

"Yo we got a whole ass pool my g!!" Tia screamed from the back. They all fell out laughing while our big grown asses act all out of character screaming and carrying on. This vacation is about to be lit!


"Well where the hell have y'all been?" Jules asked. He was sitting at the island while Andre and Shawn cooked dinner. It's been about three hours since we came.

"We went walking around the neighborhood to compare the houses," I said. "Ours is the best."

"Well duh," Andre replied smartly.

"It don't take three damn hours," Jules raised his brow.

"Ain't I tell you about exploring Dora?" Shawn asked. "First you wanna walk our neighborhood now you going to walk around here? Iight now. Someone going to come and hem you up."

"And Imma shoot em," Andre shrugged.


"Tia got chased by a bird," April laughed. "We tried to tell the bitch to stop but she wouldn't listen and ended up getting lost so we had to go find her and eventually we wandered our way back here."

"Fuck you bitch." We all laughed at Tia's sour face. "Anyways, I also wanted to see the beaches but I don't think there are any near us."

"Nah there ain't. The beaches and stuff are pretty far out. I just got done explaining everything to Shawn and Jules but since you three explorers missed it I got to say it again." Andre snapped at Jules who got up to finish with the cooking. "So y'all already know we had to sacrifice Honolulu for them niggas but what y'all didn't know was that the place I had set up for us over there was the top floor of the hotel right on the beach. And when I started looking for more places all the hotels were booked. Here wasn't much different but we had two options. Either a hotel a bit far off from the beach or stay at Kauai Cove. It's a beach resort and they have beach huts right on the beach. I was going to get a couple of those for us but then my dad told me about how rich tycoons rent out their houses over here. So instead of us having multiple huts with a bit of distance between each other, I got us one roof."

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