Chapter 12

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It's been a week since the incident with the football game. It's almost time for break and I'm about to meet Dr. Jacobson before going home. Since I won't be in school my job is allowing me and April off for the little break. The break wasn't actually planned. The entire state had been under panic because of a hurricane not far off the coast. As a precaution, classes have been canceled. I think everyone is really excited for the random break. I'm not so excited.

Andre hasn't talked to me since that day. I've texted him various times and none I've gotten a response for. I can feel myself getting more and more depressed as the days go on. I'm regretting my decision to come clean heavily. Did Andre turn tail and leave me? Maybe he's disgusted by me. I slept with so many guys and on tape at that. One being his cousin that he hates so much. I was so dumb and foolish. I did something I know what wrong and disgusting and dirty, and for what exactly? I got nothing out of it but a lifetime of pain and sorrow.

"Kayla." I jumped at the sound of Dr. Jacobson's voice. "You walked in and didn't even speak. I know there's a lot on your mind right now. This is a place of security and safety. Talk."

I sighed. "I'm getting so depressed," I mumbled as I felt tears build up.

"Why? What's going on?"

"A lot has happened over the weekend." I told her everything that happened. I told her how excited I was for the game and how much fun I ended up having. It was the first time I allowed myself to be a bit freer after getting battered like that. I told her how I felt me and Andre were going back to the way things were. How safe he made me feel and how he never left my side. How bold I felt with him at times and how shy I felt at others. I told her about how I felt truly free after we kissed. How free I was when I was with him.

And then my world came crashing down back into that pit of darkness and misery. Chris reminded me of the hell that I was doomed to live and just in an instant, I was trapped. My freedom was snatched from me in the blink of an eye. I was in full blown tears explaining the story. The only part looking up from there was Andre holding me safely in his arms. But once I opened up about my past I was going back down the rollercoaster of depression.

"Oh my," Dr. Jacobson gasped. "The school board did nothing?"

I shook my head. "All it did was bring more drama into my life. The guys that did that to me were given a slap on the wrist. They threatened to take away my scholarships for making the videos. Basically saying it was my fault. And the only one that got punished was the one person on my side."

"What happened?"

"They terminated the professor and some of the guys even sued her for slander. I felt terrible about what I had done to her. I should've known better than to go up against Chris. He's on the Dean's list and a valuable football star. He was an MVP even as a freshman. No one would take the side of a fat nobody who's struggling just to stay in school."

"I'm so sorry," she said sounding genuine. "You were violated and pushed to the side. Now I'm beginning to understand. Everything is coming full circle now." I blew my nose in the tissue. I've been crying so much I'm surprised I even have any tears left. "I want you to look at me okay?" I nodded and did as I told. "From now on, I'm not going to talk to you like a therapist. Everything I'm going to say is going to be off the books talk got it?"

"Okay?" I said a bit confused.

"I've talked with many clients with many different situations. As a start, I like to gage you. I want to see what type of person you are so I can effectively help you. I want you to feel comfortable enough to open up to me. I give you advice and let you guide yourself. But if I feel as though you need something else, that's when things flip. I'm warning you, this won't be pleasant. Are you ready?"

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