Part 1

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Hey guys, this is my first modern AU history, I hope you like it, comments and votes are super welcomed. Enjoy it. ;)
The GIFs aren't mine.

I'm an orphan, my father died before I was born, and my mother died of cancer. She worked as a maid for one of the richest families in the world.
The Lothbroks.

I've only been there once, when I was eleven years old. I've met every single one of the family, they're all the stereotype of rich people. They think that they are better just because of their money, and I hate that.

When she was alive, we lived in a small house in a shady neighborhood, but it was good because we always had each other. But when my mother died, the landlord kicked me out and threatened me to call Child Services.

My mother died when I was fifteen years old, so I wasn't able to go to school anymore. Aslaug didn't allow me, so I studied at home and took my tests and I graduated high school. It wasn't easy, especially hide that from Aslaug.

Since my mother died, I took her place as a maid in the Lothbrook Mansion. It was horrible, every single day in that house was horrible.

Aslaug was the worst of them all, she was constantly making me redo my work. But I was only there to gather money for college, after that, I would never see them again.

Ever since their older son Ubbe got married, Aslaug had a partner to make my life miserable. Ragnar never saw any of this, since he's always traveling for business. When he's at home, Aslaug is great with me, she's even says "please" and "thank you".
Ragnar Lothbrok believed that he should treat the employees with respect, since he came from a poor family. Aslaug in the other hand, came from money, her parents were filthy rich, and she's the only heiress. Margrethe, Ubbe's wife, was a maid too. Ubbe fell in love with her and married her, so she wants to make sure that no other maid has the same luck as her. There's a rumor that the second oldest Hvitserk, is very fond of her. So when Ubbe and Margrethe got married and moved in, Hvitserk and Margrethe meet and fuck each other's brains out.
Since they have a lot of money, no one dares to say anything. And every fight that happens in front us, we are automatically obligated to sign a non disclosure agreement.

It's horrible living and working in this house, I hate it so much. But this year I'm finally free, I got the money I need for a community college and being able to live in a small flat.

Always working and studying, I never got the time to make friends or go out, just for fun. So no one could help me, and it was lonely sometimes, but when I'm in college, I will be able to meet new people and do whatever I want to do.

Aslaug and Margrethe are the worst, but the sons are also pretty bad. Sigurd are always trying to make a move on me, the first time that happened, I told Aslaug.

She told me exactly this: "You should be honored that my son wants you in his bed." I know right? She's a great human being.

Ever since he got married, Ubbe doesn't look at me and I'm greatful for that. Hvitserk it's only here for the food, every time he tries something, I threatened him to stop making the food that he likes, so he stops.
The only ones that don't live here, are Bjorn and Ivar. Bjorn is the first born of Ragnar with Lagertha, she's was the first wife.

The maids told me that Lagertha was the opposite of Aslaug, she was always good and kind to the employees, just like Ragnar. The only problem was that she couldn't have children anymore, so Ragnar divorced her to marry the fertile Aslaug.

Bjorn being a loyal son, went live with his mother. And Ivar studied abroad, in some boarding school. He never came to visit, not even on his vacations. He resented his father to send him to a boarding school, so he never came back home for the holidays or vacations.
I never met him, I've only heard of him, through Sigurd. Sigurd calls him a "useless crippled", the brotherly love it's real between these two.
"Rag Doll." Aslaug called me.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention my affectionate nickname that she gave me.

"Yes madame." I replied, biting my tongue, I was dying inside to say something sarcastic, but she was just going to discount of my salary and I can't afford that.

"I need you to prepare Ivar's room, he's finally coming back to spend the holidays with his family." She looked happy, if she loves Ivar that much, he must be worst than her.

"I'm going right now." I said to her.

"Good, I will buy the things that he likes and you are going to prepare the dinner after you finished." She told me.

"But I'm almost finishing dinner, I'm sure he's going to like it." I tried to convince her, but I knew she wouldn't bulge.

"No, he doesn't like steaks, I will buy lamb, it's his favorite." She left and warned the driver that she was leaving.
Great, just great. Now I need to start over just because of that cry baby. I will deal with that later.

I went to the room and I started to clean it, it was easy, since no one used it.

When I was finishing to change the sheets, I felt a hand on my waist, making me jump.

"You're scared Rag Doll?" Sigurd asked with a smirk, I hate him so much.

"Go away Sigurd, I need to finish this, your brother is coming." I tried to get away from him, but he threw me on the bed.

"I'm getting tired of this, I want you now. I know that you're a virgin, let me handle this problem." He ripped the uniform off my body.

I quickly started to panic and scream, he never done this before.

"Sigurd, stop. You're hurting me." I begged in tears.

"Don't worry, I didn't start to hurt you yet." He smirked and started to kiss my body.

This is it, Sigurd is going to rape me. And there's nothing I can do about it. When his hand were at my panties, I couldn't feel his body over me anymore.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a boy beating Sigurd.

"Next time you do that, I'm gonna kill you." The boy screamed and Sigurd laughed.

"She's just a maid, mother told me she's irrelevant, there's no one to do anything for her." Aslaug really thinks that of me? I thought that she was just a rich bitch, but she is really a horrible person.

"Sigurd, go to a hotel, I don't want to see your face until I'm here." The boy said and Sigurd actually did it.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" The boy asked me, he's so beautiful.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm used to it, but he never went that far." I tried to cover my body and leave the bed, when the boy grabbed my arm.

"He's done this before? And you didn't told my mother?" He asked angry.

"You heard what he said." I frowned at him, mother?

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"I'm Ivar." He said and my eyes widened.

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