Part 28

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God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven. I can't live with that.

- Shame Meadows.

The article was released, it was brutal, Kwenthrith really outdone herself. The article read:

It appears that money can hide a lot of things, but not forever. The Lothbrok family always has been a synonymous of decency, love and respect, in every family there's problems, but it appears that the Lothbrok family has a thing for drama.

Ragnar Lothbrok, great and visionary business man, he changed the world with his great way of making business. But now he wants to divorce his wife, Aslaug Lothbrok, for his ex-wife, Lagertha.

Aslaug is a case of her own, she's responsible for a lot of crimes, including one against her own marriage, adultery. She has an affair with a hacker named Harbard, she only cares about money, about status. One of her maids fell in love with one of her sons, she got pregnant, Aslaug wanted the child, she was going to take the child away. But not before lying to her son and accused the maid of stealing family jewels. She also accused Rollo Lothbrok, Ragnar's brother of trying to steal his company, Rollo was innocent, he never wanted his brother company, but Aslaug made it look that way. Aslaug is even guilty of making a maid die, Ragnar wanted to pay for the treatment of cancer, but Aslaug refused and the maid died of cancer, a very treatable one. She does even more worst things, but we can't prove it yet, but we will.

The sons are very close to each other, especially the older ones, Ubbe and Hvitserk. They share everything, including women, Margrethe Lothbrok is the wife of Ubbe Lothbrok, and the lover of Hvitserk Lothbrok. The love affair gave fruits, two girls, twins to be exact. Hvitserk Lothbrok is the father, not Ubbe, that must be awkward at family dinners.

Sigurd, the great singer is a despicable human being, he tried to sexually assault the maid that one of the brothers fell in love with.

Another article will be released, with the whole truth, this one is just to open the your eyes about that family, do not trust them.

I was expecting worst, but that was enough to break Ivar, I needed to speak with him. So I called him, he picked up really fast.

"Ivar..." He didn't let me finish.

"Antoinette, I don't know what happened. But please, what my family did, that doesn't reflect on me, I'm not like them." He begged, it broke my heart seeing him like that.

"I know, Ivar. But I need to tell you something, it's really important." I needed to tell him that I was alive and Henry is his son.

"I just want to hold you, where are you?" He seemed broken, and it was my fault.

"I'm at a hotel." I have him the address and he said that he was going to be here in a few minutes.

I heard a knock at the door, I went to open it, it was Ivar. This was it, I needed to tell him everything, even if that means him hating me for the rest of my life.

"Ivar..." He kissed me, I couldn't even talk.

He put his forehead against mine, he was crying.

"Can I stay here with you?" I nodded.

We were at the bed, he didn't said anything, I was scared of telling him, but I needed to do this.

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