Part 29

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While seeking revenge, dig two graves.


I had everything ready for my plan, Aslaug was going to pay. I didn't talk to Ivar in days, I needed to tell him about Henry, but I can't be close to him, he would hate me, it was better to distance myself from him.

Harbard was in jail already, Harvey worked fast to make it happen, Aslaug abandoned him, ever since the article. Ragnar and Lagertha went to Dubai, visit their son, Bjorn and his wife, Thórrun. Ragnar was really excited, now that he has a better relationship with Bjorn, he could be close to his grandchildren.

Ragnar contacted Rollo, they were better now, Ragnar asked for forgiveness, and Rollo gladly accepted. I was so happy for them, everything was going great, the only thing that was missing was Aslaug, I was going to make her pay. I knew how, it was going to break Ivar's heart, but I needed to do this.

Ubbe wanted to divorce Margrethe, she went to Hvitserk, he didn't want anything to do with him too. He just wanted his daughters.

In order to make Aslaug goes down for what she did, I needed to go somewhere that I knew it would work. I needed to make a trip, where everything started.

I called Chuck, Henry was still in the Hamptons, I needed to check on him.

"Chuck, how's Henry?" I asked.

"He's great, him and my son are going to the beach every single day, don't worry about him. If anything happens, I'm gonna call you." He assured me.

"Thank you, Chuck." I hang up the phone, and I went to the airport, I had a jet to catch.


The jet landed, it was night. I knew that Aslaug followed me, she wanted to know what I was going to do, she was doing everything according to my plans.

I went to the cemetery, I found the grave that Harvey payed to be mine, it didn't had anything special, the kind of thing for someone with no money. I had leggings, a black shirt and snickers, I started digging up my own grave.

I found the casket, Harvey said that he grabbed a Jane Doe from the morgue, she's buried like me, and in a way, to me, the old me was there, the one that Aslaug killed, she killed my innocence, everything that was good in me in that moment, was thanks to Henry, and Ivar.

"You are insane." Aslaug said to me.

"And you are a criminal." I stopped digging and looked at her.

"Everything I did was for my family." I laughed at her.

"You actually believe that, you were willing to take my son away, away from his own mother. Because you couldn't stand the fact that I was a maid." I said to her, I needed that, take everything of my chest.

"You will always be a maid, they changed you, but you know what you are, you'll be the Rag Doll." I came closer to her.

"No, you killed that part of me. I was filled with hate for many years, but now that I see that your life is falling apart, I'm happy again." I smiled.

"Do you know how I know that you're Thays? The nurse that you hired to take care of that driver of yours, told me. And I told Harbard to get rid of him, he's so in love with me that he would do anything." She laughed, she is a despicable human being.

"What about me, my mother?" I asked her.

"You?" She laughed again. "It was so easy to trick Ivar into thinking that you robbed those jewels, he believes too much in me." I couldn't wait to take that smug smirk of her face.

"Your mother? I would never pay her treatment, she was pathetic." I was so close to her, but I needed to wait for everything.

"I wanted that you aborted Henry, but when I saw how big your belly was, I was going to take him away from you." She said bluntly.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"I don't regret anything, I would do it all over, I was just would make sure that you're actually dead."

"Thank you, Aslaug." I laughed, giving a little distance from her.

"For what?" She asked confused.

"For this." I hit her head with the shovel, she fell unconscious.

I called a mental institution, I was going to check her in, that's what she deserves, being wit lunatics for the rest of her life.


I was watching her sleep, she slowly opened her eyes.

"Ivar." She mumbled, she looked at me and started to get agitated.

"What you're doing here?" She said with hate.

"I recorded you yesterday, I'm going to show Ivar." I smirked when I say the panic in her face.

"Don't you dare."

"Are you threatening me, you're pathetic." I said to her.

"You're never get away with this." She said.

"Watch me." I got up and left her there, she would be there for a long time.

I went back to Paris, I needed to tell Ivar the whole truth. Maybe he wouldn't hate me, if he heard that his mother is a horrible person.


I got in Paris, I called Ivar, I told him to meet me at the hotel. That was finally that time that Ivar was going to know the whole truth.

I was waiting for him impatient, he could hate me forever for everything I did. I heard a knock on the door, it was him, I opened, he had a huge smile on his face.

"I thought that you were ignoring me." He kissed me and entered the room.

"No, I just need to tell you something. Sit down." He sat in the bed, I sat next to him.


"I'm listening." He smiled.

"I didn't killed myself." I told him.

"Well, obviously." He laughed.

This is hard.

"Ivar, Henry is your son." I blurred out.

"What you're talking about?" His face changed.

"Ivar, it's me. I'm Thays, I didn't died, neither our son, Henry." He was crying, he was smiling.

"I thought that I lost you forever, but you're here, my son is alive, I couldn't be more happier." He was kissing me restless.

"Ivar, that's not everything." I said, he stopped and looked at me.

"That's everything, you're alive my love. Nothing else matters to me." He was so happy.

"You need to know why I did that." I said to him.

"I don't care, I just want you and my son with me, forever. I'm the happiest man alive." He was so happy.

"You need to listen to this." I played my conversation with Aslaug, he listened carefully, he didn't say anything else.

"Ivar." I called him, he was frozen for a few minutes.

"Ivar." I tried to just him, but he didn't allow me.

"I need to go." He whispered.

He left my room, this was it, Ivar hated me, he choose his mother over me and our son. I was abandoned by Ivar again.

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