Part 5

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It was amazing working at the mansion without Aslaug being mean to me, she treated me like a human being now. Ivar didn't like that I was always working and couldn't be more time with him, but he understood why I was doing that.

I told him about my goals of going to Community College and he was proud of me, he encouraged me to study.
Ivar vacations were almost over, he said that he was going to work on a firm of the family in Paris, I'm really scared, I don't want to be away from Ivar.

If he's going to work in Paris, what's that mean for us?

But I didn't told him that, I knew that the chance his father gave him to prove himself, meant everything to him. I was encouraging him, telling him that he would make his father proud.

I was cooking lunch when Ivar entered the kitchen, he was wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans.

God he's perfect.

"Hey baby." He kissed me and I kissed him back.

"Hey." I said blushing, he can always make me blush.

"I love making you blush, it's so adorable." He laughed and I giggled.

"Look, I'm going to Paris this weekend. I need to make sure everything is fine, I'll be back on Monday, okay?" He was a little concerned, I guessed that he didn't want to go.

I couldn't allow that, this is a huge opportunity for him.

"Okay, be safe baby." I kissed him.

"You're amazing, you know that?" He smirked.

"I know." We started to laugh.


It was Sunday morning, I was missing Ivar so much. He said that he was going to get here at night, I couldn't wait.

I went to kitchen, I found Aslaug drinking a tea.

"Good morning Thays, did you had a good night of sleep?" She asked, she didn't look at me.

She seemed concerned, anxious.

"Did something happened?" I asked, getting close to her.

"Ivar called, he said that he was going to stay a little more. He's trying to have a better relationship with his father." Aslaug smiled, but that didn't seemed sincere.

"That's great, but why are you like this?" I frowned, I thought that she would be happy.

"Because Ivar always wanted his father approval, and I don't know if Ragnar will give that to him." She signed and put the mug on the sink.

I felt bad for her, she seemed genuinely worried about that.

"Look, I can make you a bath, you can relax a little. Don't worry everything will be okay, when Ragnar sees that Ivar is brilliant, they will be really close." I said to her, I wanted to hug her, but felt so wrong.

We weren't close, we never will be, we were just friendly to each other because of Ivar.

"I would like that, thank you." I nodded and went to her suite.

I started to make her a bath, she was doing something in her closet.

"Madame, the bath is ready." I called her.

She appeared in the bathroom, she smiled at me.

"You don't have to call me Madame anymore, you are Ivar's girlfriend." She squeezed my arm and I nodded.
It's weird working for your mother's boyfriend, but I'm happy that Aslaug isn't mean to me anymore.

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