Part 8

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I was shocked, the Lady is rich, probably richer than the Lothbroks, if that's possible. We were sitting at the living room, Lady was really nervous, I was even more, but I can't show that to her.

''What if this is the wrong house?'' Lady said with an anxious tone.

"Lady, don't worry, the butler already told us that you own this house. This is the right place, you have a family Lady, a family that loves you very much." She hugged me tightly, I think that she sees me as daughter, she same way I see her as mother.

I understand why she's so nervous, she doesn't remember this house or anything else for that matter. I'm the only one that she knows and I'm leaving her, I don't want to, I wish that Lady could live with me and my son when he's born, but she has a family. That makes me happy and sad at the same time, she has someone that loves her, I don't, she's the only one that loves me in this world. I couldn't be more happier for her, her family must've been looking for her for months.

"Mother." A man in a suit screamed, making us jump.

"Mother, I'm so happy that you're here. Oh my God, I cannot believe this, we missed you so much." The man tried to hug Lady, but she hugged me instead, I could see that the man was deeply hurt.

"Mother, it is me, your son." He tried to touch her arm, but she nodded her head quickly.

"She doesn't remember anything, not even her name. I found her on the streets, I took her to my house and she lives with me ever since. She been on an accident, but one day, she left the hospital and they didn't find her again. The only thing that she remembered was this adress, otherwise we wouldn't be here." The man looked at me, it seems like he's studying me.

"My apologies, we've been looking for her for months now, we dropped everything in Paris to found her, to no avail." He stand up and offered his hand for me to got up.

"I'm Harvey Francie Occidentale." We shook hands and he smiled at me, he looks at lot like Lady, and he has the same accent as her.

He went to a table and put a drink for him and started to drink.

He went to a table and put a drink for him and started to drink

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"Thays." I said looking at him, Lady still didn't left my side. A woman entered, she's beatiful, red hair and perfect skin.

"Oh my God, I thought that I would never see you again." She ran to hug Lady, but she started to cry and she hide her face on my neck, she didn't have the same accent as them.

Harvey went to the woman immediately, she already had tears in her eyes, I'm so glad that her family loves her that much. I wished that she wasn't so scared, she could see that her family loves her, they wouldn't harm her. Harvey put his arm on the woman small waist and kissed her cheek.

"Thays, this Donna, my wife." I shook hands with her, she's so pretty.

She went to the same table as Harvey and started to drink wine, she looked at Lady and I could see the hurt in her eyes, they must've been really close.

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