Part 14

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For the taking of revenge, a man locks himself up alone and thinks. His stomach must be empty for his head to be full. Vengeance comes a little from the heart and a lot from the mind; one must take oneself apart from the noise of men and of things, even from what resembles them; only the voices of bells and of thunder are allowed. Let the room in which you meditate be dark, narrow and warm.
—Xavier Forneret.

It's been a week since that day with Ivar, and today was the day of the press conference and Henry's first day at school. I was super excited that I was going to finally be able to work with fashion, it's something that I always enjoyed, and I will be able to make my whole family proud. Henry was three years old when Lady made the announcement that she had a daughter, and hide her from the public eye. The media is insane ever since, wanting a photo, an interview with the younger daughter of the Duchess Frederuna. When it was time to put Henry on the school, Harvey went there personally, the principal promised that the history wasn't going to the media.

Everybody was here to support me, Donna, Gisla, Rollo and Harvey all came to Paris, they're children were still traveling, they had another week of vacation. Rollo entered the apartment and went play with Henry and Harvey.

"We must have a family breakfast to celebrate Henry's first day of school." Gisla said really excited.

"Harvey, that little boy is not a little boy anymore, he's a man now." Rollo ran with Henry in his arms around the apartment and Harvey ran after him, we were all laughing.

"Stop that Rollo, we will be late." Gisla said softly and Rollo signed.

We went to the kitchen and we had breakfast, everybody was super excited about Henry and me, it was huge day for me and him. I was going to take over the clothing line, and with a fashion show to prepare, and Henry was starting his first day of school, I was so proud of him.

"We should get going, or we will be late." I said and we left my apartment.
We met Jay, he was waiting for us already.

"Where we're going today?" He smiled at us, when I was about to say something, Henry exclaimed, super excited.

"To my school, please." Jay smirked at him and nodded.

"Of course, let's go big boy." Henry pouted at Jay.

"Uncle Rollo said that I'm a man now, and uncle Harvey agreed." He looked sad, and I giggled.

"My apologies, we can go now, big man." Henry face lits up and he entered the car quickly, and we entered after him.

It was quiet inside the car, except that Harvey was on the phone with one of his partners, Mike Ross, I met him once, he's a nice guy, and very loyal, he's very funny and he has an eidetic memory. We were in the front of the school, Henry kissed everybody and got out of the car, he went to Jay and said goodbye to him too. I was a little heartbroken, Henry was so excited about school that he forgot about me, he grown so fast.

"To the press conference, please Jay." Harvey said, and Jay took off.

I was feeling nervous, I was prepared for this, but I was still a little scared.

"Everything was going to be fine." Donna hugged me and we entered the building that the press conference was going to happen.

When we got out of the car, a lot of reporters came to us, they wanted to know if I was the 'Secret Daughter', Jay protected us, he was a detective before Harvey hire him, he was on shooting and he couldn't work as a cop anymore, so Harvey and Donna helped him and hired him.

We entered the room and everybody went silent, I sat next to Gisla and Frederuna, Rollo sat next to Gisla, and Harvey sat next to Donna. My mother was the first one to speak.

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