Part 13

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We should forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged.
-Heinrich Heine.

I got up quickly and I called Joey, I can't believe that the man that saved Henry is Ivar.

"You look familiar, do I know you?" Ivar tried to look me in the eyes, I didn't let him.

"I'm afraid not." I said coldly, Henry was still crying in my arms, but he was calming down, slowly.

"I'm Ivar Lothbrok, it's a pleasure to meet you. You look familiar, and you're very beautiful, I believe that I never saw a woman so beautiful in my life." He smiled, the smile that would've made me feel weak.

"Thank you again for saving my son, Mr. Lothbrok. I'm grateful for that." I never thought that Joey would take so long to get here.

"Please, call me Ivar. And I didn't got your name." He tilted his head and smirked at me.

I look at his hand, and I saw the ring, he's married now. And that makes me even more stupid, I didn't allow myself to fell in love for anyone, and Ivar is married. When I was about to say something, Joey parked the car and came to us quickly, he knows about Ivar and what he did to me, Joey hates Ivar. He even said once that Ivar was a "pussy", I laughed so much that day, Joey is a great friend to me. It's more important that he's loyal to my family, I can trust him, that makes me happy. It's funny that Joey is not even his name, it's Jay, but I call him Joey for fun. He likes it, he says that's something just between us, like an inside joke.

"Mademoiselle, we can go now." He opened the door for me, and I tried to get in the car.

"Please, tell me your name." Ivar tried to touch me, but Joey didn't allow him.

"Don't touch her, and step back." He warned Ivar, Joey could be really scary if he wanted to.

"Thank you again, Mr. Lothbrok, but I need to go now." I got in the car, Henry was sleeping in my arms already.

Joey left me at the apartment and he didn't say anything, thank God, I can cry in peace. Seeing Ivar like that, made me emotional, all of those feelings came back, the feelings that I thought that were dead. But they never did, and I realized that the reason was Henry, he looks so much like Ivar, every time I look at my son, I see Ivar. I could never truly hate Ivar, he gave me Henry, the joy of my life, even if he wanted me to abort him.

I wonder how he would feel if he found out that the boy he saved, was the son he wanted me to got rid off years ago. And Henry wants to meet him, I can't allow that, I won't allow that Ivar hurt Henry, telling him that he didn't wanted him, and telling him that he doesn't want him now.

I need to have that in mind, Ivar wanted to kill Henry, he didn't wanted a child with me, he is an awful human being, just like his mother.

We were at the apartment, and Joey stopped the car.

"Are you alright?" He cares about me and Henry, I'm so grateful for that.

"Yes, I didn't expect to see him like this. He saved Henry, he wanted to know my name, and he said that I look familiar." I looked at my hands, did he recognize me? No, that's impossible. I've changed so much over the years, I'm not that girl anymore, the Lothbroks killed her.

Ivar killed her.

"Should I tell that to Mr. Harvey?" He asked and I shake my head.

"I will call Donna, she will tell my brother." I left the car, after that I grabbed Henry. He was still sleeping.

"Thank you Jay, I'm sorry for calling you like that. But I didn't knew who else to call." I smiled and he smiled back.

"You don't need to apologize, I'm glad that I can help you." He said softly.

"I'm grateful for that, I will put Henry in bed. Today was really traumatic for him, and for me too, I could've lost him today." I said goodbye to Joey and I entered my apartment.

When I entered, I went upstairs, where our rooms where. I entered his bedroom and put him to bed, he looks so peaceful sleeping.

"I believe that I still love your father Henry." I whispered to Henry and I kissed his forehead.

I went downstairs and I called Donna, she needs to know what happened.

"Baby, did something happened?" Donna was sleeping, time zones.

"Yes, I saw Ivar today."

"Oh my God, how? When? What happened?" Donna was pretty awake now.

"My heel got stuck and Henry ran towards the road, a car was going to kill him, but Ivar stopped him." I started to cry again, I could've lost my baby boy today.

"Henry is alright?" She asked concerned.

"Yes, he's sleeping in his bedroom now."

"How was it? Seeing Ivar after all this years?" I signed and I looked down.

"I don't know, it was weird. I don't know how to feel about it yet." I lied, I knew exactly how I was feeling.

"Don't lie to me, I know you really well. You still love him right?" She does know me really well.

"Donna, I'm not lying to you, I'm just confused. It was a surprise seeing him like this, I wasn't expecting that's all." It seemed that I was trying to convince myself, and I'm not doing a very good job.

"Can I call you in a few hours? I need to sleep now, we will discuss this better." She said softly.

"Of course, I'll be waiting. Good night, Donna." I ended the call.

Ivar, I need to take you off my heart and mind. Because I'm going after your mother, and I'm not gonna let my feelings for you got in the way of my revenge. And not even you will save her from her destiny, true and utter humiliation.

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