Superjealous - Barry

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Requested by:  qweentings

You were waiting patiently for Barry to come back from National City,  more or less.

"Caitlin he should be back by now, why isn't he back yet, oh my god what it he's hurt, we need to go there right now." You said.

You walked over to get a portal gun but a cold blast made you drop it. You turned to Caitlin, "Sorry you literally needed to chill."

A blue portal opened in the middle of the room. Barry, Cisco and some blinde girl with blonde hair with an S on her chest.

Barry supersped over to you and hugged you very tightly,"Barry, I can't breath." You managed to say. He let you go and you were able to breathe again.

You stood up holding on to Barry for support,"Okay y/n now that you can breathe again, I want to introduce you to Supergirl."Cisco said.

"Actually you can call me Kara, that's my name. Its really nice to meet you y/n." Kara said. She looked at you then Barry, then back again,"Are you two siblings?I'm just asking because you had such an intimate hug." Kara mentioned.

You looked at Barry he stood still, you nudged him in the ribs with your elbow,"Oh. Kara, y/n and I are dating, yeah."Barry told her rubbing the spot you nudged him in. Kara was quiet, but then spoke,"Okay, that's great, congratulations." She said to the two of you.

Awkward silence.

"Kara, let me show you around Central City." Barry offered. He escorted Kara out by putting his arm around her, you just let it slide off your back since you knew that they were good friends. Only friend. Nothing else.


You shouldn't of let it slid off. Barry and Kara have been hanging out with each other the entire week and he's spent more time with her, than he has with you during the day but you said nothing because you weren't the jealous type.

Barry and Kara came back from another team up Barry saw you and leaned in to give you a kiss but you turned away so he kissed your cheek,"Y/n are you okay?" Barry asked you, "I'm fine." You said to him. He noticed how quiet you were.

"Guys could we please have the room?" Barry asked. Everyone stood up and left.

"It's all yours." Cisco said.

"Yeah this was getting really uncomfortable." Caitlin muttered.

"Y/n what's wrong?"Barry asked,"You'd know if you had been spending more time with me." You told him. It took him a minute for your words to sink into his head then he clicked,"Baby, you're jealous of Kara aren't you?" He asked.

It was a dumb question.


Kara knocked on the counter,"Y/n, you have nothing to be worried about, I swear. Barry and I are just really good friends and all he ever talks about is about how amazing and wonderful you are, I can never get him to shut up."She said.

You turned to a blushing Barry,"Yeah, I'm really into you."He said awkwardly.

"I'm into you too, you dork."You said to him.

Barry leaned down and kissed you. The sound of Kara's hand clapping got louder and louder as she squealed at the two of you.


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